Friday, March 29, 2019

All new, from Wings's brother, two very traditional vintage-style works.

Photo copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved.

Wings's clan brother has been out sick and had some time on his hands (and a lot of boredom, too). It drove him back to his art, and we're hoping he keeps making more. Yesterday, he brought us his two new works, both very traditional, wrought very much in the old way (which, in the modern Native art market parlance, is called "vintage style"). First is the pipe shown above, a perfect replica of a traditional ceremonial pipe, hand-carved out of deer antler and inlaid with walnut. The outside world gets its images of pipes from old Calumet baking powder cans, but the fact of the matter is that ceremonial usage covered every context, from large groups to solitary individuals in prayer and contemplation. This is the personal size, compact enough to hold in the palm of your hand, and it's fully functional; you can use it for traditional tobacco, commercial tobacco, whatever mixture you prefer to smoke. You can read the description here.

Photo copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved.
The second item is likewise wrought in vintage style, likewise fully functional, and just as practical in its application: It's an elk whistle. Google the phrase "elk whistle" and you'll see there's a long, long history behind its use, one that predates colonial invasion by millennia. This one is carved out of deer antler and hung from a bright red leather thong. And yes, it works; Wings has already tried it out (no, no elk came; it's so warm now that they've long since gone way back up into the mountains to be rid of all that accompanies human habitation). You can read its description here. To buy, use the site's Contact form or reach me by FB or Twitter DM.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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