Saturday, April 6, 2019


Photo copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved.

Sometimes, it all just looks really, really bleak.

We found out this morning what our tax bill is going to be. It's just over 2/3 what last year's was (which we're still paying on monthly), and it's still $7,300. Partly a rush of larger sales near the end of the year; a big part of it due to my Patreon and Ko-fi, but that's what helped keep us in doctor's appointments and meds and just generally making it all year; and the majority of it a combo of tax law changes and the fact that we are not the sort of people (you know, with money) who have significant deductions.

Add to that the fact that we still have no answers on my health, cancer, heart/respiratory, autoimmune, or anything else, and that the bills for all of that are off the charts and still mounting fast, and the fact that my boy, snoring at my feet again, clearly doesn't have long, and I'm . . . never mind. I can't even type it, or I'll lose it entirely.

Here are the links:
  • My Patreon, The Interstices (Writing Between Worlds) (and if you subscribe today you won't be billed until May 1st for April);
  • Wings's site, for sales, with lots of new items posted;
  • Wings's direct PayPal link;
  • A way to buy me coffee (which actually goes to all of our medical bills, which continue to mount);
  • Amazon wishlist, which mostly consists of animal and household stuff, with the kibble back off it, because Wings can't lift the boxes right now with his shoulder;
  • Partial registry #1, from Bed, Bath and Beyond. I've added two or three new kitchen-y things on it now, stuff that I didn't realize we'd need.
Sales, sharing Wings's site (and testimonials, if you got 'em) — that's what we need. Also good vibes for Raven for everything to be easy and pain-free and comfortable for him for whatever time he has. Thanks.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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