Sunday, May 26, 2019

All new by Wings: Introducing "The Standing Stones Collection."

Photo copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved.

As promised, all new by Wings:  Introducing The Standing Stones Collection at NDN Silver.

These are the first five entries in his newest collection, small wearable cairns of standing stones, piles of genuine jewels and gems. These are available at a lower price point than most of his earrings — $155 per pair. [As he adds to the collection, I can envision a situation where some will be higher than that, simply due to the value of beads themselves  think old natural Mediterranean coral, old natural turquoise from his late father's collection, certain other gems that are more costly even in bead form —  but these five he's placed on offer at the base price. All are strung on genuine sterling silver wire, with sterling silver findings.] These are a joint project (he says; my role in this has to do with my ability to see so-called "true color," helping identify combinations of complimentary and contrasting colors, styles, and order of beads). There will be more to come, as well as a collection of bead necklaces, as he has time. 

The first pair, above, is called Closer to the Sun. It features citrine, gold mother-of-pearl shell, green garnet, jade, and malachite; you can read its full description here.

Photo copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved.

The second pair is Red Earth and Rain, both a feature of the warmer seasons here (at least in a good year). This one is formed of spiderweb turquoise, amber, and white mother-of-pearl shell; you can read its description here.
Photo copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved.

The third pair are my personal favorites, hinting at the mysteries of storm and night even in the shadow of the dawn. They're called, appropriately enough, Sunrise Shadows, and their description is here.

Photo copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved.

The fourth pair is probably my second favorite overall, with a really bold contrast of colors. These are New Moons, and their description is here.

Photo copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved.

The last of the five are probably the most universally flattering of the set, warm shades of green and turquoise that go with just about anything and everything. These are Under a Prairie Sky, and their description is found here.

As always, you can order via the site's Contact form, or reach me via DM.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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