Monday, June 24, 2019

As promised, six new works by Wings.

Photo copyright Aji, 2019;
all rights reserved.

Welp, I said it was dry today; little did I know. Ivan is already here baling tonight instead of waiting for tomorrow (which also means that we'll be paying him tonight instead of tomorrow). River will be here tomorrow to help load and stack, too. 

Obviously, we need to make sales, and I did say that there were new pieces in the works. So now, as promised, six new works by Wings: two necklaces in the new bead series; two coordinating (but not identical) pairs of earrings; and two more pairs of earrings standing alone in their series. [Those last two? Two of my all-time favorites in this series so far.]

First, the first of the new necklaces, one in the colors of summer (it was done on the solstice, too, except for the fact that the findings on one end wouldn't cooperate, so he left it to finish up yesterday: Labradorite, turquoise, jade, malachite, kyanite. This one is a bit longer, 20", and the stones are more costly, so it's priced accordingly. It's called Borealis, and you can read the description here.

Photo copyright Aji, 2019;
all rights reserved.

Next are the coordinating earrings (yes, same stones, and also priced slightly higher as a result). And yup: They're called Aurora. Their full description is here.

Photo copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved.

Now we come to the second necklace, one Wings particularly likes. It's the blues that do it. This one is also slightly shorter than the others, designed to put the lapis focal bead at the hollow of the throat, which shows off strand and throat both to spectacular effect. This one is called The Dust of Ancient Stars, and it's full description is here

Photo copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved.

Next, we have the earrings that coordinate with it (but don't match exactly). These are chunky and textured and as bold as their name: Blue Nova. Their description is here.

Photo copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved.

Now, seeing as how I tend to be a stormy blue and green girl, I'd have expected myself to go for the two sets above, but nope: This pair of stand-alone earrings, Berry Moon, is my favorite. I absolutely love these. You can read their description here.

Photo copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved.

And last by not at all least, since these run a close second for favorite status with me, are Ash and Fire. Their description can be found here.

All at NDN Silver, all available for purchase via the Contact form (or DM).

And since I've had to defend the amount of time I spend trying to make sales, including all of the writing involved (and there's never any time left for my own writing, needless to say), it'd be really nice to sell the whole lot right now.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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