Thursday, June 20, 2019

Nearing eruption.

Photo copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved.

The Spoonbowl looked like a volcano last night, one nearing eruption. That's me right now, too, thanks to two days now lost to UPS's inability to get its delivery shit together and its subsequent treatment of my time as of no consequence. There are not too many things that set me off, but people treating my time as having no value (especially when they're being paid) is one those that does. Two. Days. Lost to this nonsense. And an asthma attack besides, since it forces us to keep the gate open, and I had to chase down Chinook to keep her from getting out when someone inexplicably wandered on foot up around the gate (no, it was a white dude with no reason to be there). It left literally me unable to breathe, and it took the rescue inhaler far too long to kick in.

Meanwhile, the bills keep piling up. We paid the plumber today for the work he did last week (he'd told us he'd wait to bill us, but we told him to do it now and get his money). Tomorrow will be more medical stuff, this time his instead of mine. And all the unknowns still looming are weighing heavily right now, especially with sales as down as they are.

Speaking of which, we need to make them, so we need folks to share the links. I need you to send me your testimonials so I can post them. We need folks to check out all of Wings's new work, and keep your eyes open for the new pieces coming, too. If you want to help in other ways, the wishlist is the place for it.

And now, since my morning was thoroughly disrupted and I'm only now getting the usual posts up, and the rest of my day looks to be shambles too thanks to UPS's bad behavior, I have to get a bunch of other things that can't wait. This week has been trash from jump, and I can't even get the most basic stuff done on a bunch of fronts, all due to people whose behavior is entirely beyond my control, but who have still gotten their coins out of it at our expense.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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