Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Storms on all sides; precious little rain.

Photo copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved.
Storms on all sides; precious little rain. I took that yesterday around noon or so, and that's only about a fourth of the cloudbank showing. I was trying to get the height of it, but that only about the second quarter of its width visible. And a few moments after I took it, that blue at the top vanished. We had thunderheads on all sides all the rest of the day, and maybe a dozen drops of rain out of all of it. Today looks to be more of the same, if fewer clouds and (thus far, anyway) zero rain.

On the front of the other kind of rain, as I said, we're staring down the barrel of $2,700 worth of cash payments this week. That's only two bills: one for quarterly taxes; the other for the most recent physician's group bill from the last biopsy that they've only now gotten around to sending me. On top of that, we're soon going to out some medical expenses for a third person; the young Native man who works for us needs medical care, and IHS is not an option, so we're trying this morning to arrange an appointment for him with our doc. If she doesn't take Medicaid, we're going to be on the hook for the bills, and we've made it plain that we'll do so; this situation can't continue.

We did get a little of that sort of rain yesterday; something less than a third of the total. I've got to make some sales this week to cover the rest of this, so what follows is all the cut-and-paste: sales here; testimonials here; wishlist (such as it is still) here. Thanks to the two folks who sent in testimonials; once again, I'm going to try to get them up tonight, although it all depends on how the rest of the day goes. We need more folks to send them in, too. Wings dropped his new bead pieces (two necklaces; four pairs of earrings) a few days ago; you can find the summary post here. Please share their individual links, and be on the lookout for the other new works, especially the belt, which will likely be done next week. And while I spend every spare moment chasing those sales, there aren't many spare moments for me these days, especially with my ongoing breathing issues and whatever else is going on that they haven't identified yet. So please, help us get the word out.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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