Saturday, July 13, 2019

Yesterday's visitor.

Photo copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved.
Yesterday's visitor. Yup, that's right up by the front door. I realized something was wrong when all three dogs went absolutely bananas outside the front windows, and sure enough, there it was. It's a bull snake, which is not venomous, but it coiled and hissed because, well, the poor thing was terrified. (Chinook was, too; I've never seen her so freaked, so somehow, she has knowledge of snakes.) This was an immature one — not the baby of a few days ago or the adult Wings saw. For Wings, snakes symbolize money (prosperity), so let's hope he's right.

Speaking of Chinook, she managed to acquire a couple of lacerations overnight, out running with Cricket.  No idea how or where, and they're not bad, but they're causing her some pain, so she's been baby-aspirined and antibioticked, and now she's sleeping on her dog bed. I swear, this dog . . . .

First payment down last night: $1,600. Still just over $1,100, which I will likely do tonight or tomorrow, although given that it's the weekend, I might put it off until Monday morning. I've got to make some sales to make up for both. We sold two pieces a few days ago, coming to something less than a third of that two-bill total. But I've got to make some sales this weekend to cover the rest of this, so what follows is all the cut-and-paste: sales here; testimonials here; wishlist (such as it is still) here. Thanks to the two folks who sent in testimonials; once again, I'm going to try to get them up tonight, although it all depends on how the rest of the day goes. We need more folks to send them in, too. Wings dropped his new bead pieces (two necklaces; four pairs of earrings) a few days ago; you can find the summary post here. Please share their individual links, and be on the lookout for the other new works, especially the belt, which he hopes will be done finally this week. He also has two new cuffs (which, if all goes well, will drop later today or tonight, so please be on the lookout), two new necklaces, and a pair of earrings in the works. [Edit: Also, his new beads are waiting at the P.O. box here, as noted above, so he will no doubt have more in the new series of necklaces and earrings soon, possibly as early as today; these are from a U.K. lapidarist, and they are a phenomenal selection, so you'll want to watch for them, as well.] And while I spend every spare moment chasing those sales, there aren't many spare moments for me these days, especially with my ongoing breathing issues and whatever else is going on that they haven't identified yet. So please, help us get the word out. I've got to bring in more sales somehow.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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