Saturday, August 24, 2019

Solitary. Still trying.

Photo copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved.
Solitary. Still trying.

Gabe's supposed to be here in another half-hour or so to bale; Joe's supposed to help with loading and stacking, since I can't anymore. Tony will be dropping a load of firewood off this afternoon, and we'll have him look at a problem with the door while he's here. And we have to put together some bingo and raffle prizes for Nano's parish fundraiser again this year. 

It all costs, whether in paying people for their help or in writing off inventory to help other folks.

It's another bad day pain-wise for me, and my to-do list is miles long. Still haven't been able to get into town to pick up my scrips, or to replace my day-to-day shoes that fell apart two weeks ago after three solid years of daily wear. Don't know whether I'll be able to do either tomorrow, but I do know that I have to get to work, so I won't be sticking around here long. 

Yesterday, I summarized my health status for those interested; if you missed it and you wanted to know, the answers, such ass I have, are here. Meanwhile, all this costs. ]a fortune, actually. Health care in this godforsaken country is priced to kill people. And there's a lot left to do by way of testing for other things still unidentified and/or unaddressed. There are also Wings's knees. And there are all the plumbing repairs on the house yet to be done, and the parts of the house that aren't yet complete in the first place. 

Folks can help in several ways:

Testimonials are important, and there are several posted at the link. If you haven't submitted yours, please do, because this helps us make sales (and we keep you as anonymous as you want to be; you can see the kinds of options people choose in the various entries). The items on the wishlist are things we either can't get here regularly, or at all (or at a decent price), and they're mostly things either for the animals or the house. PayPal link is in the upper right corner of this page.

And above all, we need to make sales. So if y'all could help us out by sharing the links regularly, I'd appreciate it. I'm fighting a very big battle here every single day, and I can't do all of it alone.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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