Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Way behind the curve.

Photo copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved.

Some of the leaves are already turning; have been for weeks. The summer's getting away from us, and we're still way behind the curve on everything that needs to get done while it's still warm. That includes costly repair work on the house (the plumbing and walls) and costly finish work on the exterior (sanding, sealing, painting trim). It also includes getting in the hay one more time, and if the clear weather holds, we'll need to do that by this weekend, probably.

For now, I'm behind in more immediate ways. I expected my appointment today to take something less than an hour. Instead, it was just shy of three. Necessary, apparently. I have a hip entirely out of place (this has been what's been causing my massive left hip pain for nearly two years now, and being out of place all that time, presumably there's also now some degenerative wear).  I had several ribs out of place, too, plus my diaphragm, a few other things, and the one I knew to expect, C1 and C2. What I didn't expect was that they would have rotated so badly as to be right up under my right jawbone. I got a lot of things shifted today, and so needless to say, I'm in a lot of new pain, as the causes of the old pain get corrected. That will, presumably, subside, but it's going to take a lot of consistent work. My ligaments are shit, not only in my ankles, but literally all over my body, and the subluxes are far, far worse than I ever knew. Explains a lot of the pain, though.

Also behind the curve in the financial sense. Two hundred yesterday for equipment and meds I haven't even had a chance to use yet; well over a hundred today, with a followup in about ten days, and an appointment with my regular doc before then, with, I'm now reasonably sure, some very costly labs to follow. Two more appointments coming up for Wings, too.

As I keep saying, the dollars are just marching out the door on the daily, and there's nothing I can do about it, because we lived in one of the most uncivilized countries in the world. Had to pick up both the truck and the mower on Friday, and that was hellish all by itself (four figures between the two). More medical appointments for both of us next week, cash only; mine's tomorrow morning. So to make all this happen, I have to bring in a lot more scratch — LOT more — to cover everything, and that means sales, which are way, way down. My pain levels are also completely out of control these days, the kind of pain that renders you utterly non-functional, except that I don't have a choice but to keep working at everything. So you know what comes next.

Sales here; testimonials here; wishlist (such as it is still — I've added some candles of the nontoxic variety to deal with the lingering mildew odor in the utility room while it's drying out from the plumbing disaster, the kind that are not supposed to impair my breathing, the kind we can't get locally; I've also added a couple of supplements I have to take and our one real vice, the coffee we prefer [cheaper by the case, and the thing that's probably highest priority]) here

Speaking of testimonials, new ones are posted at long last; if you haven't submitted yours, please do, because this helps us make sales (and we keep you as anonymous as you want to be; you can see the kinds of options people choose in the various entries). We need more folks to send them in, too. 

Wings dropped three new works Saturday, and they're posted here. Please go to their respective entries on his site and share them all. And if you're interested in one yourself, believe me, you won't be disappointed; these are truly extraordinary. He also dropped three new pieces a few days ago, including an absolutely phenomenal pair of dangle earrings; the post is here. That's on top of several new bead pieces a couple of weeks ago; you can find the summary post here. The new butterfly concha belt dropped a few days ago, and it is absolutely incredible. We really need to sell it; that would take care of looming medical stuff, at least in part. And while I spend every spare moment chasing those sales, there aren't many spare moments for me these days, especially with my ongoing breathing issues and whatever else is going on that they haven't identified yet; new labs and meds and equipment to that end having to be paid for next week. So please, help us get the word out. I've got to bring in more sales somehow.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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