Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Rains. Pours.

Photo copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved.

Yesterday, on the deck. Rains. Pours.

This is why the crew can't finish weatherizing; there's no way to cover all of it, and it's too wet. Well, that's the why apart from the money, which is an even bigger issue. Now I'm not sure we can have them come back to finish it at all.

Speaking of raining and pouring . . . . Below this graf is the usual cut-and-paste, and yes, we need the help. But later on today (assuming all goes according to plan, but we all know better than to assume on that front), I'm going to be posting the link to a fundraiser for a relative. Our situation doesn't so much pale by comparison as fade into the distance entirely. This is family, and the situation is . . . enormous, by any measure, and in both senses of that word. Please keep an eye out for, share the post and the GoFundMe link embedded in it, and please donate if you can. Any amount helps. And yes, we've already donated, and we'll be doing more as we can.

Now to the usual.

For those wondering about my own health issues, see here; with regard to the work being done, some of the details are here. We still have to get the plumber in to finish up, and I regard that as a bigger priority right now in practical terms, so whatever we take in sales-wise will have to go to that. This is all complicated by the fact that, for August, a record number/amount of my Patreon patrons' cards were declined, too, so that income is lower than usual (no, I don't know who and haven't checked; I'm not going to contact anyone who probably is already scrambling to juggle their own stuff, too).

Anyway. Back to the grind; so I need help to get all this done. Folks can help in several ways, and we really need the help now:
Some thank-yous are in order: first, to whomever bought the peppermint oil! Second, to o.w. for Chinook's training treats; she's handling the training like a champ. And to all the other folks who were unidentified on the package enclosures; to the folks who hit my Ko-fi/our PayPal; and to the sister who sent a check and whose address I put in a safe place for purposes of a thank-you card, and it's apparently such a safe place that I cannot find it because my brain is what it is these days). On the wishlist, now the cold is here at night, the flies are not quite so bad, but the fly traps are still a priority. The other top priorities are the dish drainer, because we're going to need to take care of some cabinet-top stuff when the guys are here next week, or whenever we get them back out here; and the candles, to deal with the residual mildew odor in the utility room, which I hope the plumber will be here to finish next week (the utility room work, not the mildew). But the costs on all of this are . . . killing us right now.

And as I said, sales are ideal, of course; one or two of Wings's bigger pieces would cover the whole shot for this round of work. Patreon subscriptions are good, too. Either way, it's a trade for value. But I'm already feeling panicked at what we thought would be our schedule being so suddenly and thoroughly upended, and we'll take it however it comes at this point. 

Please share everything, because I'm suddenly back behind the eight-ball on a whole additional front, and yeah, I'm scared about covering everything and surviving, too. Thanks.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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