Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Winter is here.

Photo copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved.
Yesterday's snow. Now, they've moved up the next one to tonight, if the forecast can be believed. When I got up at seven this morning, everything was absolutely clear except that blasted smoke plume to the west, which began spreading high and wide and fast as soon the winds kicked up. They're shrieking now, and more clouds have moved in overhead even though the sun's still shining. And tomorrow's low? They've reduced it to one. As in 1. Degree above zero. For us here, that means it'll drop below zero, because we are always anywhere from three to eight degrees colder here in the winter than the forecast predicts. Winter is here, just in time for All Souls'.

Also? I've been pushing it far too long, too far, too hard for . . . however many weeks now, and the last three days combined with this sudden dangerous cold have flattened me. Very little sleep last night; full-scale crash today. I need to bring in income, need to make sales and recruit Patreon patrons, and I also need to meet writing deadlines and do a thousand other things, and I am good for absolutely none of it right now, but I have to keep plugging at all of it, so expect to see me here or elsewhere only if/when you see me.

And as I keep saying, we have got to make sales. Normally, Wings would already have several holiday commissions in the works by now, but nothing's normal anymore. I don't know what to do at this point; I can't conjure money from thin cold air. I posted two new pieces nights ago (links here) and another last night (links here). The new bracelet in the works may turn out not to be a bracelet at all; we'll see. He has a number of other things in process, too; I'll post them as he completes them.

At any rate, my stress levels are off the charts along with my pain levels now. For those wondering about my own health issues, see here, although now there's a new wrinkle I'm not even going to bother to try to explain (suffice to say there's no affording treatment); with regard to the work being done, some of the details are here. I'm still down $650+ on Patreon for the last two months, apparently as a result of folks not updating their expired credit cards, and I'm on track to lose $300-400+ again this month (i.e., Friday) for the same reasons. I can't keep this up. I also need help to get all this done and handled. Folks can help in several ways, and we really need it now:
Please share everything, because I'm suddenly back behind the eight-ball on a whole additional front, and yeah, I'm scared about covering everything and surviving, too. Thanks.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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