Monday, November 25, 2019

More snow on the way.

Photo copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved.

That was him, up on  the roof of the stalls yesterday, clearing heavy, heavy, wet snow. One of three separate structures whose roofs he did yesterday. With his knees and shoulders. I can't do it; aside from the subluxes, my balance is too bad from my autoimmune disease. But work has to get done. Now you know why I'm so fed up at the the unwillingness of those we've helped so constantly for so many years ever to offer the most basic hand with anything at all. Funny; they've all made themselves completely scarce. Until probably Wednesday or Friday, when they'll want holiday shopping money.

Do I sound bitter? Too damn bad. The way I was raised, you help everyone, and you don't expect pay to do basic family-and-friends pulling together stuff. But now it all goes one way, and one way only. [And I have not forgotten the people who were here with their hands out the very weeks when I nearly died, either. Just home from the hospital, not knowing if I'd survive, and not one of them offered a single hand, not a thing, not can I do your grocery shopping, not can I run errands, not can I pick up your meds, not can I make you a cup of coffee, but they sure asked for money for all that nothing. And yes, you know who you are.] 

There's more snow on the way tonight, and a lot more the rest of the week.

The rest is all cut-and-paste, because while sales are literally all that matters at the moment, all the rest of the work still has to get done and I'm perpetually behind. [I subluxed my shoulders and back yesterday dong a lot off it, and there's more to do today.] But really, it's SALES.

SALES SALES SALES. That's all it's about now. A lot of y'all don't realize this, but the Pueblo closes for much of the winter, starting usually a month to six weeks after the new year. Even before Christmas, the whole month of December locks vehicles out off the village, and that reduces tourist traffic a lot. Even though we're not physically there anymore, the drop in tourism affects us, too — and the numbers are down all over town and seemingly getting worse every single year.

What folks also don't realize is that this means that holiday sales are what keep us alive, through not just the end of the year but essentially the first six months of the year to come. This is it; this is what the whole year leads up to, and even in off years, Wings would still be filling commissions beginning around the first of October. 

This year? NOTHING. None. Zip. Zero. And there are, effectively, fewer than four weeks left of the holiday sales season, because it takes time to make things, to say nothing of shipping them.

I don't know what we're going to do.

The headache is ragging out of control today; I've had to use my rescue inhaler to deal with the breathing issues attending the sudden cold. My pain levels, especially after putting my body through so much these last few weeks to protect the house, are completely unmanageable now. And I'm looking at potentially canceling my doctor's appointment on the fifth, because . . . nothing is coming in, and we have a winter to get through. For those wondering about my own health issues, see here, although now there's a new wrinkle I'm not even going to bother to try to explain (suffice to say there's no affording treatment); with regard to the work being done, some of the details are here. Folks can help in several ways, and we really need it now:
Please share everything, because I'm suddenly back behind the eight-ball on a whole additional front, and yeah, I'm scared about covering everything and surviving, too. Thanks.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used 
or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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