Saturday, December 28, 2019

Speaking of bitter . . . .

Photo copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved.

The snow is here, intermittently now, and now also accompanied by bitter winds. At this moment, it's actual snow; several times this afternoon, it's been a ground blizzard, whipped up off surfaces rather than falling from the sky. We're in for some very deep cold over the next few days.

Speaking of bitter . . . I'm useless today. We had to go into town very early yesterday to run several errands, and by early afternoon, I still hadn't had anything to eat. To make it easy on me, Wings stopped at a newish food-cart kind of thing on the way home and bought me some tacos (green chile for him). They tasted great.

The tiny lettuce strips were also apparently romaine.

Yup. I've been up since about 2:30 with food poisoning. That's a third local place we'll never patronize again, and while I'll leave folks to figure it out, I'm seeing a pattern among the proprietors/staffing of places locally where you can get food poisoning. No, cost and type of food are not what link them. A certain contrived carelessness does, though, one that's apparently not just contrived but actual. 

So, yeah, I'm miserable. Can't eat; dehydrated; finally, mid-late afternoon, able to drink some coffee. Luckily for me, it was a very, very small amount of lettuce. And it's much colder now. The winds are going to be bad overnight, and we'll have lows below zero for several days, most likely. It's going to make for a difficult week next week, so I'm hoping we can mostly stay home and in where it's warm. There'll be time enough for all those stresses again in the first week of January (and yes, they're looming, including the medical stuff). 

And since they're looming, I'm still going to post the links. For those wondering about those and my other health issues, see here, although now there's a new wrinkle I'm not even going to bother to try to explain (triggered by this year's flu shot and confirmed by my doctor, and suffice to say there's no affording treatment); with regard to the work done and not done on the house, some of the details are here. Folks can help in several ways, and we really need it now:
Please share everything, because I'm suddenly back behind the eight-ball on a whole additional front, and yeah, I'm scared about covering everything and surviving, too. Thanks.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used 
or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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