Monday, January 13, 2020

From 35K to 23K is still out of reach.

Photo copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved.

Last night. But in this wind, even the brightest sun doesn't have much warmth.

No sleep last night; I finally dropped off sometime after 5 AM, albeit not for long, obviously. The morning's been consumed with bills; we paid all the ones that have been bedeviling me this month, more than $2K worth. Some of those, like the propane tank rental, Web site hosting, and a few others, are now done for the year. 

We also spent part of the morning trying to deal with this dental issue. They've pushed his appointment back a week, but I'm afraid we'll wind up canceling that one, too. Apparently, with what he needs to have done, they do it all at once now, and the only concession they're willing to make is to split that up into two stages (the first being the most expensive, natch). So that takes the immediate outlay down by $12,000, but from $35K to $23K is still out of reach. And, of course, we'll still have to come up with the other $12K to finish the job, and in a relatively short timeframe, too.

I can't even set up a GoFundMe for it, thanks to the racist who tried to prevent us from being able to finish the house. [Okay, not even finish; get it to move-in stage. There are still tens of thousands of dollars' worth of finish work to be done, not counting the repairs from the plumbing issues. They've waited more than two years already, so I guess they'll just wait another year. So, apparently, will my dying laptop and camera, because Wings's health is the only priority right now.] So all I can do is push sales harder than ever, and we need help to do it. I know there's now way I can sell $23K worth of silverwork between now and the 23rd of the month, but dammit, I have to try.

Folks can help in several ways (sales are always preferred):
Please share everything. Thanks.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2020; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used 
or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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