Friday, February 28, 2020

Fragile spirits.

Photo copyright Aji, 2020; all rights reserved.

Small and fragile spirits. It's already [allegedly] 54 degrees, but it feels at least 20 degrees colder, thanks to the wind. We've had two small dust devils chasing through here already this morning, and I hope we don't get anything larger. We still haven't been able to fix the stable from the vortex that tore it apart two years ago.

I am slammed, constantly, right now, and likely to remain so. Let's keep it shortish: There are a few newer things scattered throughout Wings's site. I posted the new informal series on Wednesday; you can find all three works here. [If you like rainbows, this set's for you.] 

Also, I'm adding the Amazon wishlist back on. ::Sigh:: we really can't function without it now; they've made themselves that indispensable, especially for folks who live in poor rural areas like we do. And I'm really, really going need to get some things that I can't get here, and soon (the kinds of things Amazon cards are useful for). I'm also going to need to add a new coffeemaker, because while I can baby this one along a while longer (it's broken in, as of yesterday, three now four different ways, but for the moment I can still use it, even if not easily so). I don't know how much longer I'll be able to say that, though. Coffee is our one real luxury, but it's too big a chunk at once, and we have medical stuff to deal with, and folks who need help besides. Since my CF O2 concentrator is going to set us back upwards of $4K, I'm trying to set aside monies for that. Which means, hideously expensive or not, I'm putting the coffeemaker and a grinder on the wishlist. Like I said, this is our one real luxury that we allow ourselves, and we like it to taste right, and both of these items are supposed to be really, really good for that, as well as really, really sturdy.

The process of Wings's dental surgeries begins next week, and that's going to take a lot of both of us. In the meantime, there are all the usual expenses, and January and February have both been hell on far too many fronts. We have plumbing repairs to get done next month, never mind everything else that will be needed to finish the house (that's undoubtedly getting bumped to next year, and probably the year after, too). In addition to the four-month process for Wings's work, there are the meds. And speaking of fragile, I'm due also for follow-up scans and biopsies already; they're not going to happen, because we don't have five figures' worth of scratch to waste on it, to say nothing of travel time and related problems. I've still got to make sales, try to drum up new Patreon subscribers, do whatever I can to bring in more money, all on top of everything else. Folks can help in several ways (sales are always preferred). Oh, and I posted four new works a week or so ago, here and here, and I added something new, seasonal, and absolutely fabulous a few days later, so please share the links (also, BUY! they're all perfect for spring, Easter, Mother's Day, upcoming festivities of any kind):
Please share everything. Thanks.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2020; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used 
or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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