Monday, May 11, 2020

Dead things.

Photo copyright Aji, 2020; all rights reserved.

Vulture, in search of carrion.

Plenty for him to find here these last two days. Yesterday is always one of the worst days of the year for me, and I swear it gets worse every year. It's made worse by the fact that it's always right around this day's date, too, which is another marker of grief and pain and loss and what never was. Getting it all out of the way at once, I guess. Except there will be more. So many more.

And I just got my third rejection in four days, my . . . sixth, I think? in two weeks. So there's that.

Talk about dead things . . . . Right now, there's nothing; just one big empty world, still with no place for me in it.

The cut-and-paste: Please share all of our links, because while we're all in isolation? Income is already at virtually nothing, and we can survive the isolation, but not the inability to feed the maw of all the billsThe links are here:
Note: For now, please don't buy anything off the Amazon wishlist; to do so would be crossing a picket line, and some of their workers have struck this morning to fight for safer working conditions because their lives are being put at even greater risk during this pandemic. If you find one of the items elsewhere, wonderful (there's even a wishlist function where you can note that it's been purchased somewhere else).

Other than that, please share everything. Thanks.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2020; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used 
or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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