Thursday, May 28, 2020

Something of a miracle.

Photo copyright Aji, 2020; all rights reserved.
Yesterday's haul. Fourteen masks pieced (that's six separate pieces turned into three separate layers), plus the thunderbird one that I already had pieced together. That one is for Wings, and has four layers, but it requires a different color thread, so I'll do the other 14 first with the black that's already threaded in the machine. I may even get to some of them today. Or not.

The irrigation is going smoothly, in relative terms. In other words, once the water's down here, he's having a relatively easy time routing it where it needs to go (not always the case). But as I said yesterday, the logistics in bringing it down, though, are next to impossible, so the fact that he's got it flowing at all is something of a miracle. It's not sustainable, though. There's not enough flowing down, even now, probably due partly to the condition of the upriver ditching. We're also too dry, and we'll need much more water than is available this way. If we don't get this well drilled, we don't eat, and neither do the horses. Before that, though, I've got to pay The Man, and I can't even cough up sales to do it.

Behind on other fronts, too, and I have to come up with a way around it. The pandemic is making sales impossible, and I have GOT to sell $3,300 worth this week. I've got to get first- and second-quarter taxes off my shoulders so I can turn my attention to figuring out this well problem. We're supposed to be getting monsoonal-pattern rains starting tomorrow, but we have no idea whether it'll materialize, and even if it does, whether it'll be anything like what our rainy season is supposed to be. If we can't bring the water down (and we likely can't), we're screwed for hay for the horses and crops for ourselves and the folks with whom we normally would share them. And this year of all year, we have to be able to get back to growing our own food.

I've got to make sales, I've got to bring in the scratch, and I can't do it without buyers. I can't create money out of nothing. I can squeeze that stone until the world ends, and the only blood I'll get out of it will be from the damage to my hands. We're looking at no return to anything like a normal rate of sales for at least a year, probably more, and I don't know what to do at this point.

So please. The links are here:
Note: At this point, it's getting to be impossible for us to get some of the things we need without using Amazon. We haven't done so yet, but I suspect we're going to be stuck very soon. If you can find any of the items on wishlist elsewhere, we'd prefer you purchase there instead of with Amazon (there's even a wishlist function where you can note that it's been purchased somewhere else), but I we realize that they've managed to make themselves essentially indispensable, especially for rural/rez folks like us who are isolated at the best of times. And these are most surely not the best of times.

Please share everything. Thanks.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2020; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used 
or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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