Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Everything's dying.

Photo copyright Aji, 2020; all rights reserved.
Everything's dying. We were supposed to get rain today, which, so far, has translated to a dozen drops, maybe two. Meanwhile, the leaves are going yellow and brown (those that turned green in the first place; there are plenty that never did); the soil is dry as ash and bone, and I woke up this morning to witness a new round of lateral and colonial violence online leveled at a BIWOC who is now literally seeing her family endangered by this nonsense. It's rooted in an ugly and dangerous envy, an essential anti-Blackness, and a thoroughly colonized mindset that perpetuates anti-Indigeneity while pretending to be its opposite. People who believe their own hype, who think they can appoint themselves leaders? Our peoples have always known that y'all are the dangerous ones.

There's an ongoing example of that here locally right now, and it's inflicting colonial violence on Wings's people while it seeks to undo more than three decades of Indigenous labor for the benefit of white colonizers and other outsiders' personal gain.

No, I do NOT support your bullshit. I never will. Neither of us ever will.

Meanwhile, the drought is destroying everything: the fields, the land, the trees. No rain. No sales. No cessation of the pain that bedevils my every literal moment. And still no dogs, despite yet another reported sighting of Kit yesterday, and an hour spent searching that area, to no avail. Wings took our trash to the compacting center today, and he dropped off a bunch of new flyers that are headed with the reward amount. No, we can't afford that, either, but what are we supposed to do, abandon them? They're family.

And over the next two weeks, and on into August, I have to find a way to cover some staggering expenses. This week, it's the farrier and the plumber. Next week, two quarters' worth of taxes, to the tune of some $3K. That one is nonnegotiable, and I don't have it.

By August? Enough to cover the drilling of a new well, all the pumps and piping, and construction of the well house.

I'm so tired, and I can't conjure money out of nothing. So tired. So much stress. So much pain. 

WE. NEED. SALES. BADLY. So please. The links are here:
[Also, the wishlist is back in force. There are things I absolutely cannot get except through Amazon, and I can't add that stress onto all the others now. It's breaking me.] Please share everything. Thanks.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2020; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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