Friday, July 24, 2020

Lonely in the storm.

Photo copyright Aji, 2020; all rights reserved.

You can't tell from that angle, but she's there: the Swainson's hawk, perched alone on that gnarled and distant tree, lonely in the storm.

She's not actually lonely, of course; just casually hunting. But here, it's very lonely, and the storm seems very dangerous now.

We need help. And by help, I specifically mean sales. The year's been frankly terrible and it's only getting worse, but we're up against it right now. We're in the red, and while the taxes and some other must-pays have been covered, I still have to clear this and get the last two biannual bills off us before month's end (which means sales need to clear our bank before month's end). And I'm running out of time.

Look. Things are different here. Our cultures are different. We don't hoard, and when we have it to share, we do that. Yesterday Wings had to pick up an order from the grocery store. I raided my purse for the last of my cash. He was very emotional when he got home.

He had $5 left when he came out of the store. Sitting there in the shade were, as he described them, "an older couple, homeless." He thought about it a moment and backtracked, noting that they were probably younger than we are; homelessness ages one very, very fast. They were also white.

He gave them our last $5 bill.

And he was exactly right to do so. We have a roof over our heads. For now, we have food in the pantry and the fridge. We have water. We are unbelievably blessed.

And yet, the bills still have to be paid. Despite a criminal, wholly genocidal government, it's abundantly clear that help's not coming. We have to help ourselves, and each other. If you have $5 to give (or $50, or $500, or $5,000) give it to the folks who are homeless. The ones without a roof. The ones without food. The ones without clean water to drink and a place to shower. But if you have spare cash for purchases, and you're planning on buying gifts for yourself or others? I'm imploring you to consider Wings's work now. Because it's lonely in the storm, for all of us.

New piece just the other morning, here. Two brand new and purely phenomenal works from the other day, here. Lots of other new works, too, cuffs and earrings and one new necklace. But all of this falls entirely on me; I'm the one who has to make it all work, and I'm up against a brick wall. So please. Share the links; they're here:
[Also, the wishlist is back in force. There are things I absolutely cannot get except through Amazon, and I can't add that stress onto all the others now. It's breaking me.] Please share everything. Thanks.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2020; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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