Thursday, August 6, 2020

Big brother.

Photo copyright Aji, 2020; all rights reserved.

Big brother, showing them the ropes. They're slower acclimating and integrating themselves with each other, and early this morning, Cricket spent a good amount of time playing with SunDog, who just rolled over and over in pure ecstasy at being noticed by the Big Dog. But Cricket. Cricket is happy again, too. Which reminds me, yes, three days ago, they got official names: SunDog (like the sky phenomenon, because of his white coat and rainbow eyes), A/K/A Sunny for short; and StormDog, because despite being the runt, she's a tiny tempest and a tough little whirlwind, and so she becomes Stormy for short. They've been here a week just about this moment, actually (and will be 7 weeks old tomorrow), and we're already working on "sit."

Meanwhile, I'm way behind already on this day alone, and I have to get to it. So much work,
and we still have to make sales. Wings has got some gorgeous new work already posted. New piece just the other morning, here. Two brand new and purely phenomenal works from the other day, here. Lots of other new works, too, cuffs and earrings and one new necklace, plus more in the works and coming soon. So please continue to share the links, because we do still need to make regular, consistent sales to get through what's left of this terrible year. They're here:
[Also, the wishlist is back in force. There are things I absolutely cannot get except through Amazon, and I can't add that stress onto all the others now.] Please share everything. Thanks.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2020; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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