Saturday, August 8, 2020

Into everything.

Photo copyright Aji, 2020; all rights reserved.

Chasing bubbles. They're so easily fascinated by everything. Also into everything. 

Yesterday was frankly terrible on so many fronts. The toxic smoke from that burn earlier in the week threw me into a full-blown autoimmune flare yesterday, which means that my pain and fatigue levels are off the charts, while my executive-function levels are in the negatives. No idea how long for this time; it can last a day or a month or the better part of a year, and there's no way of predicting which one this'll be. Subluxed my right ankle completely last night; I woke up both yesterday and today with my hand curled into claws, and I had to pry them open. Pain meds aren't even taking the edge off now. Meanwhile, Wings picked up the mower for the fifty-billionth time yesterday, and that's another ~$300 or so down the tubes. One thing the high heat and drought managed for us, at least, was keeping the mosquitoes at bay for a while, but they're back, and the grass has to get cut, no matter how much brown there is in it. We can't afford to risk West Nile here. We're already flooded with tourists spiking our COVID-19 numbers locally, and just west of us are the state's first two plague cases of the year, one of them already fatal.

Meanwhile also, I'm way behind already on this day alone, and I have to get to it. So much work, and we still have to make sales. Wings has got some gorgeous new work already posted. New piece just the other morning, here. Two brand new and purely phenomenal works from the other day, here. Lots of other new works, too, cuffs and earrings and one new necklace, plus more in the works and coming soon. So please continue to share the links, because we do still need to make regular, consistent sales to get through what's left of this terrible year. I've also added some new items to the wishlist, because, well, puppies, and the plumbing overhaul we can't afford to do because of how badly they screwed us, so those things are near-ish to the top; you'll have to scroll two or three times to see them all. They're here:
[Obviously, the wishlist is back in force. There are things I absolutely cannot get except through Amazon, and I can't add that stress onto all the others now.] Please share everything. Thanks.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2020; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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