Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Puppy heaven.

Photo copyright Aji, 2020; all rights reserved.

Puppy heaven.  Those are the kind of "rawhides" that are not real rawhide; they're made out of food materials, apparently, and thus non-splintering and puppy-safe. But they LOVE them.

Seven weeks tomorrow, and I've never seen a pair this adaptable, this unbothered at separation from their mom and original pack, this instantly bonded to us and all things here, or learning this fast. They know words, they know sounds, they know their crate is a safe space to sleep, and Cricket is beginning to play with them a moment at a time.

Still. The pandemic is killing us, and so is the drought. So is the workload, and I'm too exhausted for much today. The idiots in charge decided NOW would be a good idea to "burn wood piles" over in El Malpaís yesterday and today, and the resultant smoke haze is toxic: congestion, scratchy throat, blinding headache. Breathing is a chore.

And we still have to make sales. Wings has got some gorgeous new work already posted. New piece just the other morning, here. Two brand new and purely phenomenal works from the other day, here. Lots of other new works, too, cuffs and earrings and one new necklace. So please continue to share the links, because we do still need to make regular, consistent sales to get through what's left of this terrible year. They're here:
[Also, the wishlist is back in force. There are things I absolutely cannot get except through Amazon, and I can't add that stress onto all the others now.] Please share everything. Thanks.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2020; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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