Monday, August 31, 2020

Sibs now.

Photo copyright Aji, 2020; all rights reserved.

Sibs now. Cricket has, I think, stopped grieving more or less entirely, at long last. The two tiny terrors keep him occupied and happy. They're all still kind of feeling each other out, but he's stepped into the big brother role far more thoroughly, and with far greater instinctive skill and speed, than I ever imagined possible.

We had to brief showers yesterday afternoon, hard and fast-moving, and they dropped the temps by 20 degrees. They also nearly froze a tiny warbler on the upper deck, one who, confused by the cloudburst, hurt the doors and sat upright, unconscious and freezing in the rain. He's fine now, although he let me know when he was ready to leave my hand, and not before. And it was cold; for the first time in months, we had to build a fire in the large woodstove last night. As I said yesterday, we're busy trying to prep for winter across the board now. Food, land, animals, house. Still can't do anything about the plumbing, and every day that goes by makes it worse, and my own health with it. The pups have created their [our] first big problem, and thus their first big related cost. We need this, but by the time you get shipping added, we're looking at close to $500, and we can't afford it (I also realized yesterday that it's normally $540 before shipping, but it's part of their Labor Day sale, so it's 1/3 off right now). So if you'd like to kick in to keep the two little monsters safe and, well, alive, you can do it via the PayPal link below; we're ~$300 toward the total courtesy of folks yesterday and the day before. Because right now? I'm having to leash them and take them out every time, which means I'm getting NO work done, and we can't afford that, either.

Wings has a bunch of new work out, too. Check out the Bracelets and Rings Galleries on the site; five new entries in the latter, and a couple new cuffs in the former, an yesterday's spectacular new work, which you can read about here. There is also a lot on the wishlist that is urgent, particularly fly spray, his KT tape, the cleaning supplies to deal with the plumbing fallout, and the air purifiers, because yesterday was the first day I've been able to breathe at all in weeks, thanks to the constant smoke (and the inability to breathe is complicating my health severely in all kinds of ways now). 

The links are here:

[Obviously, the wishlist is back in force. There are things I absolutely cannot get except through Amazon, and I can't add that stress onto all the others now.] Please share everything, because I have got to make regular sales; that part of it is all on me. Thanks.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2020; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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