Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Going from green to dead.

Photo copyright Aji, 2020; all rights reserved.

As an image, without context, it's beautiful. It's also frightening. We've have too much of this already, and this is tarting to look very much like 2017 and 2018: no autumn colors because everything is going from green to dead.

It's a good metaphor for our finances, too, thanks to this pandemic and the fact that those in "government" literally want us dead. We're in trouble, and I have to make sales, both fast and consistently, or we don't make it to winter.

First off, my Patreon is down drastically. For August first, it was down by $100, which is a significant hit, but manageable. This month? Yesterday's payout was down by $360.  Three hundred and sixty dollars that I was expecting to be there that isn't. Now, it might just be that people's cards have expired and they haven't bothered to update them. They've changed their interface, so I have no way of knowing who, so PLEASE check to see if it's you. And if that's not it; if you want to unsubscribe?  Then please, please, actually unsubscribe, so that I don't get to the end of a month will all indications that we will be $360 further ahead than we are. That was going to bills and car repairs, and now . . . ::shrug:: nope.

Also. I'm about $1,500 down from the last 2-3 weeks' worth of outlays (some of which were not even for us, but helping in our communities). Besides the need to make that up, I still need to raise another $200 for the kennel to keep the pups safe.  If I don't buy it this week, it goes off sale, and will cost us another $200. And on top of all of that, I've now had to bump the car repair yet another week, because it will require a tow plus a costly repair, which, combined, is probably going to set me back more than $700. And winter, as the saying goes, is coming.

WE HAVE TO MAKE SALES. I can't do this alone. We need help.

Wings has a bunch of new work out, too. Check out the Bracelets and Rings Galleries on the site; five new entries in the latter, and a couple new cuffs in the former, plus Sunday's spectacular new work, which you can read about here. There is also a lot on the wishlist that is urgent, particularly fly spray, his KT tape, the cleaning supplies to deal with the plumbing fallout, and the air purifiers, because yesterday was the first day I've been able to breathe at all in weeks, thanks to the constant smoke (and the inability to breathe is complicating my health severely in all kinds of ways now). 

The links are here:

[Obviously, the wishlist is back in force. There are things I absolutely cannot get except through Amazon, and I can't add that stress onto all the others now.] Please share everything, because I have got to make regular sales; that part of it is all on me. Thanks.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2020; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner. 

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