Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A sign of something good.

Photo copyright Aji, 2020; 
all rights reserved.

Yesterday was hard. Harder than it's been in a while. She visited me, though. Whether or not she comes with red-tailed girl, I know the mourning cloak is her, and it spiraled past us both yesterday, heading southward.

The glads were always some of her favorite flowers, so maybe it's no surprise that I love them, too. I cut these the other night so that they wouldn't freeze, but it appears I needn't have worried unduly. Despite the fact that they are late-May-into-June bloomers here, these began flowering, finally, on September 18th, and never mind the lows in the 20s now, are still going strong. That must be a sign of something good. 

Wings also improved the day a bit yesterday evening when he went to record Indigenous Peoples' Day in the calendar. He got as far as the "In," struck through it, and instead proclaimed it "Wings & Aji Day." It works for me, and it took a little of the weight off my chest last night to be able to laugh about it.

Two clear days in a row, and to have it feel like fall at long last, air not wrapped in a toxic miasma of smoke, is a gift of epic proportions now. Still, I'm so far behind I despair of ever catching up. This year has been destructive in so very many ways, and it's not over yet.

Thanks to a sale Friday evening and yesterday morning to friends, and a very large sale Sunday night to a very dear friend, we're going to be fine for the rest of the month. I can pay the remaining bills, including the monthly payment on my medical loan; I can also finally get the car towed to the shop later this week. We'll be able to put a little aside toward next month. So if you're planning on making donations to Indigenous folks on this day, please choose those who are unhoused, whose housing or food security is precarious, who have children who need things, who need to get medical care or prescriptions filled or a vehicle repaired.

Winter is coming, though, and neither the drought nor the pandemic is going anywhere. We will need to continue to make consistent sales through the end of the year (because normally, it's our holiday-season sales that see us through the first half of the following year). So please share the links, and when you're in the market for gorgeous, authentic, Spirit-infused Indigenous wearable art, Wings will have something perfect for you. The links are here:


All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2020; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


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