Thursday, October 15, 2020

Always some sort of derailment.

Photo copyright Aji, 2020; all rights reserved.

Lots of smoke haze yesterday, but it made for a beautiful sky last night. It was back this morning, too, but the winds have mostly blown it out again, thank all that's holy. Yesterday was bad enough, with a return of all the congestion and sniffling and sneezing and coughing, and after almost no sleep, I was still at it when I got up. Better now, though, so hopefully it stays that way.

So much to get done, and there's always some sort of derailment. Wings wanted to spend time in the studio yesterday, but someone took out a big part of our north fence not before last (possibly the same Liberatarian asshole who the same night trespassed on our land to put up a political sign on a pole within it; the sign's gone now). So Wings lost literally all of yesterday [and gained no small amount of pain and exhaustion] fixing the fence himself. Technically it's the responsibility, both labor and cost, of the state highway department, but our esteemed governor has reorganized the department in such a way that now no one answers the phone, and there's no forwarding nor even a message noting that the office here has been closed and consolidated in a new "district" office in Santa Fe, and no one responds to such inquiries now. So rather than battle with the state over doing their freaking job (which they seem unwilling to do on multiple fronts anymore, see specifically the pandemic), and lost a full day's work doing it himself. Because we can't have the pups getting out, nor Cricket, either (nor the horses, when let out to graze).

So we're both playing catch-up today. And we'll see what the post office holds later, but still neither of us has gotten our absentee ballot, and I'm started to get profoundly disgusted with the state again. They fucked me over in 2016, when we had a Republican official in charge, and they forced me to go in and cast a provisional which they then refused to count, although they never informed me of that; I found out later by accident. I can't go in this year, because my immunocompromised self cannot be trapped with noncompliant people in too-close quarters for an hour, potentially hours, plural, especially in a state that is spiking badly even as official refuse to do what is required to stop it.

I still need to find a way to cover Wings's aids (at 3 grand, not anytime soon). My laptop is still slowly dying, as is my camera, both of which are integral parts of our work. And I still need to figure out how to cover drilling this well. My soul is overwhelmed today, and I'm not seeing much of the light, much less where it might lead.

Thanks to three sales over the extended weekend, we're going to be fine for the rest of the month on regular bills. I can pay the remaining bills, including the monthly payment on my medical loan; I can also finally get the car towed to the shop later this week. We'll be able to put a little aside toward next month. So if you're planning on making donations to Indigenous folks on this day, please choose those who are unhoused, whose housing or food security is precarious, who have children who need things, who need to get medical care or prescriptions filled or a vehicle repaired.

Winter is coming, though, and neither the drought nor the pandemic is going anywhere. We will need to continue to make consistent sales through the end of the year (because normally, it's our holiday-season sales that see us through the first half of the following year). So please share the links, and when you're in the market for gorgeous, authentic, Spirit-infused Indigenous wearable art, Wings will have something perfect for you. The links are here:


All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2020; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


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