Saturday, October 10, 2020


Photo copyright Aji, 2020; all rights reserved.

Looks like a whirlpool up in the sky. Fitting; around here, it feels like we're drowning in one, too.

Almost 500 new cases yesterday? Is the governor closing the known vectors responsible for the spikes? Of course not. Meanwhile, the Nazis are allegedly out at the county complex, prepping for their rally to start in half an hour. What, you thought Taos was all fugitive hippies, chanting about love and light? A lot of those white colonizer hippies are now fascists. And that includes a lot of the ones who still self-ID as leftists. Colonizers gonna colonize, and they're at it here endlessly. They're also spreading a deadly pandemic among Indigenous people.

We're a little better today than yesterday, although I still have to bring in about a grand in sales and hope for no other catastrophes or crises this month. My medical is covered and the propane is covered, thanks to four wonderful folks who made it possible, and I am eternally grateful to all of you. I should be able to cover Wings's medical next week and I think I can also cover one of the regular three bills still outstanding. There are still two other big bills that I need to pay for the month, one of them my medical loan used for a bunch of heart-related and cancer testing a couple of years ago after those episodes of, well, nearly dying.

Unfortunately, there's still the rest of the year, and the local economy is trash. I still have to find a way to replace Wings's hearing aids, because one of the last pair broke just after the warranty expired, and the ones he needs are three grand for a pair. I also have to come up with a way to get this well drilled, which early this year we thought we would be able to do in August, but . . . pandemic, drought, a tanked economy, Nazis running things [into the ground], and the endless, endless number of people needing help more urgently. So it's mid-October, we're still in the drought's death-grip, the forecast is for a drought-ridden winter, and there's no water. 

I'm so tired. Every year, I think that this will be the year I get to take it a little easy in my birthday month, and every year, I get buried under a tidal wave of endless crap. This pandemic has caused me no end of extra work, but our income level is even worse than it's been all through this Nazi "administration," and it's getting worse yet by the day. I don't have family who can help. This is all on me, and there's only so much I can do by myself. Everyone wants money, and I can't manufacture it out of thin pandemic-riddled air. It's bad enough to feel literally like I'm drowning in the suffocating smoke we've had for months that's made breathing a nightmare (and at long last today, mostly gone for the moment). It's made that much worse when I'm stuck in this vortex of physical pain and fatigue and unending stress, and the knowledge that this year is likely to get a whole lot worse before it's out. Meanwhile, I still have to figure out how to make it all work. I need help. 

You can help by sharing our links. You can especially help if you're in the market for high-end, Spirit-infused Indigenous wearable art, for yourself or as a gift, by considering Wings's work for purchase. It's also  back-to-school season, even if remotely in some places, with all the events that that entails; birthdays come and go year-round; Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas especially will all be here before we know it. I keep saying that we want sales, that donations need to go to folks closer to the edge than we are, those who are unhoused, who don't have food, who will die without scrips filled or immediate medical care. But there's still a lot of discretionary spending going on out there, and a lot of self-care- and gift-buying, and so if you're in the market for any of those things?  Wings has undoubtedly made something that will serve the purpose.

The links are here:

Please. We need sales. NOW. Thanks.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2020; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


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