Thursday, November 12, 2020

Winter wildflowers.

Photo copyright Aji, 2020; all rights reserved.

Winter wildflowers. We all have to do the work of keeping things blossoming now.

Speaking of which, I chose this because it reminded me of the logo in the screenshot at the top of this post, which I put up here last night. This is our doctor's practice; they got certified as a nonprofit community health center a good while back, and they treat a large percentage of marginalized and underserved patients, especially those economically marginalized. Last night, I got an e-mail announcing that some generous and anonymous soul had stepped forward to offer $25,000 in matching funds . . . IF they could raise $25,000 in cash donations by December 1st. In fewer than twenty days . Despite all the free-floating colonizer money around here, it's a lot harder than it should be to raise that kind of scratch here. And so the moment I got the message, we gave $100 (which we were able to do thanks to my Ko-fi account, linked below, and that fact that folks had contributed just over $100 the night before, apparently to keep my work running state-wide pandemic numbers going nightly). If you can match it, or any part of it, please do: If they raise the $25K in time, they will have $50,000 that they have committed to putting DIRECTLY to essential primary care for their most underserved patients. 

Our doctor saved both our lives. Their staff are exceptional. They are putting their own lives at risk daily, on the front lines of a pandemic in a place where the "leadership" refuses to lead and refuses to take the necessary steps to arrest the deadly spike we're currently experiencing. They are keeping people alive now. They deserve everyone's support. Go here.

And as I said earlier, we received some very good news last Wednesday, so I'm no longer worrying about covering the regular November expenses. It's what allowed us to arrange for the firewood. We'll be able to cover the hay for the horses, and possibly get the plumbing handled in the next few week or thereafter. But . . . BUT.

As grateful as we are for our current blessings, we also know that real winter hasn't even arrived yet, and it will be a long one. Cases continue to spike state-wide and locally both, with a record 23 deaths across the state last Thursday; a record official new-case total of 1,418 on Monday (the day before yesterday); a new record locally Saturday, on a day this is by definition an undercount, with 21 reported new cases and one new death. Among the new cases locally are one or more at IHS, and apparently the clinic is NOT closed even though staffers are supposedly quarantined, and how does that work, exactly? There has been zero movement on the steps that MUST be taken to arrest this, and ski season opens in less than three weeks. If they allow tourists in, unquarantined, our local numbers are going to be deadly indeed. Meanwhile, the economy is wrecked already, and the number of people who need help climbs by the day.

This is all by way of saying that, blessings or no, I have still got to make consistent sales somehow, through the end of the year and beyond. In more ordinary years (long since gone now), our holiday sales alone carried us through the winter, the late winter/spring closure, and on toward summer. Those days are gone, and the closure is already here (and if not permanent, it's the next thing to it). We will still need to sell Wings's work regularly to make it. So please share the links, and if/when you're in the market for gorgeous, authentic, Spirit-infused Indigenous wearable art, Wings will have something perfect for you. The links are here:


All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2020; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.   

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