Saturday, December 12, 2020

The simplest things.

Photo copyright Aji, 2020; all rights reserved.

Apparently anything works as a toy for these two, even the tiny stump of a Christmas tree. They're happy with the simplest things.

Me? I can't even get the simplest things to function today. It's been hellish on multiple fronts, and I'm just too tired to fight. I'm already operating on fewer than three hours' sleep, a lot of pain and fatigue, and this stupid vaccine reaction. And today has been one of those days where, except for the snow finally arriving, every single thing has been a hot mess. I've also had to witness people who know better saying some really ugly [and untrue] things about a member of Wings's people, and you should be ashamed of yourselves. Elevating racist white men and fixing your mouths to spout inexcuseable colonizer bullshit about someone with range you'll never have.

Meanwhile, there are never enough hours in the day, my work goes uncredited as always, and I'm out of time. We've made exactly one holiday sale, and if that doesn't change, fast, It's going to make for an ugly remainder of the year, to say nothing of the start of 2021. On top of it all, and my Patreon payout for November was down by some $400+ (now it's down only $300+). I'm pretty sure a couple of them are folks whose credit cards expired and they just need to update their accounts, so if that's you, please check your subscriptions; this is a BIG hit for us. 

I'm tired. Tired in ways no one will ever understand. "Can't hold your own head up because the physical fatigue is too much" tired. I don't care about any of the rest of it. Yeah, our craven and cowardly governor is willing to let us all die. Nothing I do makes a damn bit of difference, but I still have to keep us alive, and other folks, too. So:

And this will sound selfish, but I've spent the whole year working to help other folks survive in the face of some very ugly [and wholly unnecessary] odds, and today, I hit the fucking wall. I'm going to do my work, I'm going to chase sales to keep us alive.  You know, simple things. But the outer world, with your colonial bullshit? Fuck all of it. After all, they're willing to let us die.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2020; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


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