Wednesday, December 2, 2020

When the storm is all around you.

Photo copyright Aji, 2020; all rights reserved.

When the storm is all around you but you don't get any snow. Actually, we did get what might generously be called a dusting late last night, but that was it. The sun's up, the wind chill is seven degrees, and most of it's gone already.

And yes, as promised, I'm done hounding you to give to our community health center, because yesterday was the deadline for them to raise the matching funds. No, I don't have any information on where it stands; I haven't heard from them since the initial donation request, probably mostly because these are doctors, and they're focused on saving lives, not on tracking funds, and right now, with this pandemic spike? they're completely overloaded. If/when I hear anything, I'll let everyone know.

Post appearing out of order today. Wings has a big new work in progress that might be finished today; if it is, I'll run it as today's feature. If it's not, I'll go with a back-up, something already in inventory, and run this one this weekend. Either way, expect the NDN Silver post late in the day today.

We were very blessed a few weeks ago to be able to cover November's expenses and get hay for the horses and firewood for the winter. But it's December now, and my Patreon payout yesterday was down by some $400+. I'm pretty sure a couple of them are folks whose credit cards expired and they just need to update their accounts, so if that's you, please do; this is BIG hit for us. But most of them, I suspect, are folks who simply can't swing it this month, because four years of a Nazi gutting everything and now a raging pandemic have destroyed people's safety nets. If that's you, don't worry about it. Unsubscribe immediately if you need to; things are hard enough without folks worrying about something like this, too. Storm all around, indeed.

Of course, what that means is that I have to make up the difference with sales. As grateful as we are for our current blessings, we also know that real winter hasn't even arrived yet, and it will be a long one. Cases continue to spike state-wide and locally both, and deaths locally, too. If they allow ski season to open on December first and allow tourists in, unquarantined, our local numbers are going to be deadly indeed. Meanwhile, the economy is wrecked already, and the number of people who need help climbs by the day.

This is all by way of saying that, blessings or no, I have still got to make consistent sales somehow, through the end of the year and beyond. In more ordinary years (long since gone now), our holiday sales alone carried us through the winter, the late winter/spring closure, and on toward summer. Those days are gone, and the closure is already here (and if not permanent, it's the next thing to it). We will still need to sell Wings's work regularly to make it. So please share the links, and if/when you're in the market for gorgeous, authentic, Spirit-infused Indigenous wearable art, Wings will have something perfect for you. Check out last Wednesday's brand-new masterwork; it's extraordinary, and it's meant for someone out there. There will be another, very different new masterwork coming possibly today. The links are here:

Oh, and there are some additions to the wishlist: The towels folks took off it last month are the absolute best I've ever used in my life, so I put a few more sets on there; it will mean I don't have to keep running these two through the laundry all the time. Also, there's a hideously expensive chiropractic gun on there, but even at that price, it's only a couple of appointments and it's already paid for itself. It's for both of us, but mostly for Wings, and this is the model that was recommended to him. Thanks.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2020; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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