Wednesday, January 13, 2021


Photo copyright Aji, 2021; all rights reserved.


The mercury supposedly says 44, but you couldn't prove it by me. I am chilled to the bone today, and I am done. 

Yesterday was brutal, and I got 3 — wait, no; 4 — separate reminders of my essential lack of value to anyone (besides Wings, I mean) beyond what I can do for them, or what I can create that they can steal and then present as their own, for both money and credit, erasing me completely. Also, I'm just going to point here for certain persons that occupy a particular ethnic and gender group (::cough::whitewomen::cough::) that the only reason Wings knows about what people need is because I tell him. So when you ask me for help and I provide it, and then you tell me to thank him instead? Yeah, that tells me a LOT about you, none of it good. Also, for the other group? I am not your project for conversion. I am closed off to all of this nonsense now. You may think it's okay to erase me, or even to be abusive toward me. Go ahead. Just don't expect anything from me when you're so disrespectful of me, behind my back and to my face.

Anyway, I have had no real sleep in almost three weeks, my pain is utterly off the meter, that comes after 3 solid months of 16- to 18-hour days 7 days a week, and after a year of constant work and service and unutterable loss over and over and over again. I am in constant pain now, not even a second's respite, and having been used and erased again and again already this year? Nope. I'm done. And nothing changes, beyond the fact of our supposed "leadership" allowing us to die. So it's the next two grafs and the links, and that's it. 

There is no economy now. There's nothing. People are literally dying all around us from the government's failures, and I don't know how we keep them, or us, alive unless I can cover the bills. We have lost SO much to 2020, so very, very many people, and the gifts and the talents and the knowledge and the wisdom they carried too often lost with them. Because this state has followed the lead of the country and refused to do what was required, we are about to see a very big spike in new cases, probably as early as two weeks from now; the current spike in deaths remains sustained daily. People have needed so much more help than we could give them, but we did as much as we could, even when it put us in a bind, and we will need to do much more of that this year. So:

And if you've been contemplating a purchase? Marking the birth of 2021 would be a very, very good time to do it. There's even new work, here and here, and there will be two more new pieces shortly, so please watch for them and share the links.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2021; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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