Sunday, January 10, 2021

Two Extraordinary New Vintage-Style Works by Wings

Photo copyright Aji, 2021; all rights reserved.

I promised something new earlier today, and I'm making good on it now: two extraordinary new vintage-style works by Wings. Both a simple, slender, solid sterling silver cuffs, no stones or other extraneous adornment. Both feature impossible deep, clean, even stampwork in repeating patterns — so deep, in fact, that it displaces the silver to create lightly rippling edges. Both are left lightly textured and even more lightly buffed, so the glow with an light as old as the techniques used to create them.

The first is called Between Each Sunrise, so named for its alternating parting-clouds-and-rising-sun motifs and the clean expanses of silver that separate them. You can read the full description here.

I love them both, but the second is my personal favorite — a smaller band fr a smaller wrist like mine, and a phenomenal old-style Indigenous stampwork pattern:

Photo copyright Aji, 2021; all rights reserved.

This one is called The Beat of a Butterfly's Wings, named for the spirit we both saw in it instantly once completed. You can read the full description here.

Wings's main page is here. Inquiries via the site's Contact formAs the pandemic rages unchecked and the economy remains dead, we have a long winter to get through, too. We still need to make consistent sales to make it through the whole winter (one that has already been bitter indeed for our communities) and the rest of the year, so shares of the site links are much appreciated. Selling these would be a good start.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2021; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


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