Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Three all-new works by Wings, and a fourth on the way.

Photo copyright Aji, 2021; all rights reserved.

All right, I've been promising these since yesterday: three all-new works by Wings, and a fourth on the way, possibly as early as tomorrow. It's one cuff bracelet and two pairs of earrings (the fourth, when it's complete, will also be a cuff bracelet). 

I love all three, but I have to tell you, the cuff is a classic. It's called The Way of Medicine, and you can see one view of it above; you can read the full description here, and also see other views. Trust me, you do want to scroll down to see them, because the clean, spare, flawless work on that band is something else.

The earrings are two more pairs in Wings's informal fire/flame series from this past winter. You'd expect the second pair to be my favorite, because they are incredibly long and textured and shimmery, but they come in second (close, but still second), to this first pair:

Photo copyright Aji, 2021; all rights reserved.

These are A Sacred Fire, and you can read their full description here. Yes, these are a little shorter than the others, but they GLOW. They also have that fabulous freehand ajouré cutwork, all in a positively ancient traditional pattern. They're gorgeous.

The second pair (and third work) are pretty spectacular in their own right, though:

Photo copyright Aji, 2021; all rights reserved.

These are Stardust and Rain, so named because they are very long and very dangly and very shimmery, and they look like long-tailed comets. You can read their full description here, but what you need to know about these is that they are entirely hand-texturized on the surface, to the tune of literally HUNDREDS of strikes of the jeweler's hammer with a plain round divot-end stamp. It's incredibly labor-intensive work, and it makes them shine and dance in the light.

Wings' main page is here. You can order any (or all!) of them via the site's Contact form. And we really do need to get caught up to a more usual rate of sales after 14 months of the pandemic killing them (taxes are due and a well needs drilling), so please share the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2021; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.           

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