Tuesday, November 2, 2021

A change in the weather.

Photo copyright Aji, 2021; all rights reserved.

That was yesterday evening. Skies like that herald a change in the weather, and we're getting it, in a manner of speaking: at least a dusting of snow on the peaks, ongoing; none here, but very much colder temperatures than when we left the house this morning. I'm not hopeful for snow down here, but it's something, at least.

We had to leave early this morning so that Wings could get his Moderna booster. So far, he feels fine, but I felt fine after my booster for the first 12 hours, too. Then I felt like crap for the better part of 3 weeks. Of course, unlike me, he still has an immune system, so I'm hoping that he never has to deal with what I did.

Meanwhile, the month's been off to a rocky start. We made a good sale yesterday, but we're going to need to make so very many more all of this month and next to cover everything. [For one thing, if I don't have this eye stuff handled before December, my doc's gonna kill me.] Wings has some new pins in the works right now, Warrior Woman and Pueblo pins both; he also has the holiday reindeer pins and some small pendants and several larger works in the conceptual phases. And if I can get the next round of beads and silver that he needs in any kind of timely fashion? He'll have the next gemstone bead set soon (that would be The Winter Elementals, four sets of three items each again).

And we need people to buy his work. Now. We don't make some steady sales VERY SOON? We don't make it through the end of this year, never mind the rest of the winter or '22. And I'm the one who has to carry the worry about all of this, every minute of every day. Our sales are already way, way down for the year because the colonial governments' pandemic mismanagement has trashed the economy. Also? Time is short, a lot shorter than you realize. For folks who are planning on Christmas shopping with us, you will need to order early this year, because thanks to DeJoy's damage, we can't guarantee shipping times.

Also, if you're planning on commissioning gifts for the holidays, DO IT NOW. Yes, I mean NOW. We're dealing with the same supply-chain issues as everyone else, and at some point soon, Wings is going to have to get silver and stones to produce holiday inventory, and I'm hearing that the price is already spiking on the metals. More to the point of what customers care about, we also can't guarantee shipping times this year, because see above. But I've posted a ton of Wings's new work lately, and there will be more in the days and weeks to come. If I could sell one of the big works, like one of the belts, maybe I could get us on the drill list for the well that is the only thing that's going to keep this land alive. But I've got way too much to do and too few hours and other resources to do it. 

Anyway, I have GOT to make some sales, so links are here:
  • Sales here
  • Testimonials here
  • Amazon wishlist here (priorities are first and foremost, the ladders, because see above, and coffee coffee coffee, which we're finding it harder and harder to get locally);
  • Patreon here;
  • Ko-fi here.

And if you've been contemplating a purchase? This would be a very, very good time to do it; I've got to cover all this staggering outlay somehow and get us through what's left of the year. And right now? I have no way to do it.  But there's lots of fabulous new work, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2021; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.                                                        

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