Monday, January 17, 2022

Here It Is: Wings's Newest Work

Photo copyright Aji, 2022;
all rights reserved.

All right, I know I promised two new works today, but the second one won't be finished until early tomorrow (it's almost done; just stone-setting and buffing now). But the more elaborate of the two pieces is complete, and here it is:  Wings's newest work, finished only this afternoon. This one began the creative process with the idea of a plain two-stone pendant. Somewhere along the way, the turtle hatched. 

Of course, when I say "plain" in reference to the stones, I don't actually mean "plain" in the accepted sense of the word. I don't even mean "stones," plural. The second cabochon is . . . not stone. It's actually created by a master lapidarist from whom we buy semi-regularly, and it's a wafer-thin slice of a pinecone set into resin in shades of emerald green and black. The lines of the pinecone look positively gold, and if you look closely, you'll see an eagle outlined in its webbing. The upper stone if high-grade chrysocolla in emerald and seafoam greens and a touch of indigo in an earthy black matrix. The beads are all ultra-high-grade material, all designed to pick up all the shades in the cabs. It's called Turtle Island, and you can read its full description here.

You can order it via the form here. Wings's main page is here. And, as always, we will still need to make consistent sales to cover upcoming new medical costs and other expenses in this third year of pandemic and loss, so shares of the site links are much appreciated.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2022; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.    

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