Friday, July 1, 2022

Two new pairs of earrings by Wings.

Photo copyright Aji, 2022; all rights reserved.

All right, I know, it's late. I also know that I said I'd probably have four works today (two pairs of earrings and two rings), but the day got away from us on multiple fronts, so the rings won't be ready until tomorrow. Still, two new pairs of earrings by Wings isn't bad for a Friday night.

As I also promised earlier, both pairs are hoops like the new pair I featured a few days ago (and that sold immediately). Those were stamped triangle wire; these are a bit different. First up is the pair above, formed of a kind of sterling silver wire that's a mix of half-round, pattern, and bead wires all in one. These are called Summer Lightning, a reference to their electrifying stampwork. You can read their full description here, and do scroll through to see the photos of them from additional angles.

The second pair is made of filament-thin half-round wire:

Photo copyright Aji, 2022; all rights reserved.

These are called Chasing the Hoop, and it's a play on the name of the ancient toy, and of the adult path we travel simultaneously. Each impossibly narrow convex surface is stamped in a repeating pattern of old traditional-style arrowhead points, beginning at the center and moving in opposing directions, because what will happen with a hoop but that they will meet up and become one? You can read the full description here, and again, be sure to check out the shots from other angles, too.

As always, Wings's main page is here. Inquiries via the site's Contact formWe will still need to make consistent sales to make it through this third year of pandemic and loss and ever-climbing costs, so shares of the site links are much appreciated.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2022; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.       

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