Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Another storm coming.

Photo copyright Aji, 2022; all rights reserved.

I didn't get a chance to get any shots while the sun was shining, natch. This month so far has kept me solidly behind the eight ball, in terms of time and everything else besides. Now, there's another storm coming, and it's a literal one to add to all the nonsense in the outside world right now.

We have hay coming tomorrow morning for Miika, but the need for silver for Wings to work just became urgent. As I've said, Wings needs to be creating more for holiday inventory, but as I've said, he needs to be able to stock up on silver for for that, and with it having tripled in cost just this year, I don't know how we manage it. So I'm doing my usual juggling act, trying to make everything work with too few resources. We're three days into the more or less official holiday creative season, and the outside world is already a shambles (more so than we knew, but we learned about some of it yesterday, ironically, and wow, did it ever remind me why I don't trust anyone non-Native who wants to get to close to "Nativeness," but this one mght actually have professional ethics consequences for the offender).

As I said before, there's a new and absolutely extraordinary necklace coming, and now I'm probably going to wait until tomorrow because that's when I planned to feature it anyway. I also posted five new works by Wings a few nights ago, here, and four remain available (the iolite ring is sold), plus another new cuff Monday, here. They're all amazing, so go look, share, buy if you're in the market. [If I could sell them all? I could get the remaining bills off my desk, and set some aside for the silver he needs, too.] All the other links are here; please, share them too:

  • Sales here
  • Testimonials here
  • Amazon wishlist here (priority is first and foremost, the wheelbarrow, then the other ladder);
  • Patreon here;
  • Ko-fi here.

We're still hoping to put aside enough for a new well when the ground thaws enough to drill in the spring, too, Nah, we've given up on the well. No one's available to drill before late next year at the earliest, and this year's tax burden means we would never be able to afford it anyway. But it's even more of a good time to make a purchase, because Uncle Sam is a vindictive colonizer, and my current stress levels about paying it all are off the charts. And there's lots of fabulous work, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2022; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.                                                        

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