Thursday, December 29, 2022

A chance shot in the middle of the storm.

Photo copyright Aji, 2022; all rights reserved.

Sometimes the wld birds come to deliver gifts, too, in the form of a chance shot in the middle of the storm.

The forecast three inches are in fact barely a dusting, with lots of high cold winds and not a lot else to show for it. At the moment, though, the peaks are mostly white, so at least that's something. And I have to get back to the work.

Speaking of not a lot to show for it, that's the last few days. As I said, I've mounted one last Hail Mary pass to try to cover everything we need to cover by year's end, with no results. That's about $5K total (and we STILL can't get our money out of Venmo, so that's a big problem, too, almost $2K that we should have had five weeks ago). I don't expect that I can possibly make enough sales today and tomorrow to cover that much by Friday, but I have to try. We're down to the wire, and there's still endless work to be done in terms of chasing sales; January is always a bad month financially (January and June or July, one- and twice-yearly stuff that can only be handled then), so we also need to bring in more income now anyway. This year, though, it's more urgent than that; we didn't make enough in sales to cover what I needed to cover in prepaid taxes, hence the need to bring in about $5K in sales for that before the end of the year. Yeah, I know it won't happen, but I have to try.

So, of course, no respite from the stress that attends it all, either. And with my autoimmune disease rapidly worsening, it's making everything that much more difficult now.

All the links are here; please, share them, too:

There's lots of fabulous work on the site, a lot of it new, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2022; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.                                                              

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