Friday, December 30, 2022

Cause for gratitude.

Photo copyright Aji, 2022; all rights reserved.

Only a dusting of graupel for us; not a lot more than that on the peaks, but it's something, at least. We can't even see them today, because low clouds and fog are still wrapped around them, but it's cold enough even down here that that should mean more snow for the mountains.

That alone is cause for gratitude. 

We have other causes for it, too, not least the fact that, thanks to a dear friend, we're going to get out of this terrible year in decent shape. I have felt for months like I couldn't breathe, and the weight that has rolled off me now is indescribable. There will be much more to do,  much more expense to come, and thus far, of course, there is still nothing that will help my disabling conditions, but this alone lets me breathe again.

It also lets me get back to work, not just for ourselves but for so many other folks in our many communities that need help now.

There's not really a better way to end one year and begin another than by doing that.

Of course, we will still (always) need to make sales, and there are plenty of gift-giving events coming up in the new year. If you're in the market, we will not turn sales away; if you're looking for places to donate to folks who need it, watch this space and my other online spaces, because I'll be highlighting them in the weeks to come. Much of the country has just been through a deadly storm, and there's still a deadly pandemic raging; lots of folks are going to need long-term help.

ll of our links are here; emphasis on sales and testimonials for now (and subscriptions, if you're looking for that; I'll have more on that to come in the first weeks of the new year):

There's lots of fabulous work on the site, a lot of it new, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2022; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.    

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