Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Ready for the ice.

Photo copyright Aji, 2022; all rights reserved.

That's me, ready for the ice. But it's only thanks to Wings; my honey made it possible. About fifteen years ago, when we were still getting regular snow and ice storms every winter, he bought me a pair of Yak-Trax, which are rubber frames that slip over the soles of our boots. Underneath, the rubber webbing has metal coils spiraled around it that grip on the ice. They actually work really well. 

Problem? For the last . . . I don't know, maybe five years or so, I've worn the hell out of the same pair of winter boots, because they're one of the few that doesn't adversely affect my balance OR aggravate my plantar's fasciitis (both of those conditions artifacts of the autoimmune stuff). And I do mean worn the hell out of them; he's mended them for me, glued cracks, you name it.

But they're wide, like moccasins, and they're too big to get the Yak-Trax around the edges and get them to stay put. So yesterday, he managed to stretch them over my boots . . . and then literally wired them into place, so they can't fall off. [Click on the photo, and it'll enlarge so you can see the little strands of wire.] It never occurred to me that he could make it work, but he did. So ::crosses fingers:: I haven't fallen on the ice yet yesterday or today. Yeah, I know nobody cares but me, but the love in that effort counteracts all the rest of the terrible out there in the rest of the world.

Even so, all the existing problems still remain (yes, including the damn FedEx nonsense). That's wasting days and weeks of my time, yes, but it's the financial issues that are keeping me awake at night. I'm still trying to keep all the balls in the air right now, because if they come crashing down, everything shatters. And I've still got to get us out of this month and this year in one piece, and I can't do that unless our sales rate increases dramatically and immediately. Nothing else matters (to the outside world where these things have to be paid, and so I have to behave accordingly).

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There's lots of fabulous work on the site, a lot of it new, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2022; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.                                                             

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