Wednesday, January 18, 2023

It's going to get a lot colder now.

Photo copyright Aji, 2023; all rights reserved.

Just another dusting, driven on the wind. In truth, it looks like less than it actually is, because the wind has been blowing it everywhere, including off every surface. By the time it's done, we'll have some drifted piles that are fairly deep, and some areas nearly clean of cover.

We've already got the high winds and bitter cold, and it's going to get a lot colder now.

They've told Wings the ATV is ready, but he's waiting until tomorrow to pick it up because the roads here are bad today. The price they staffer quoted hi over the phone can't be right, unless they didn't do everything they said they would; either way, it won't be cheap. And I also learned yesterday, if I'm reading it right, that a $700 sale would wipe out one of my remaining medical bills, and a $2,800 one would wipe out another, so they're both less than I thought now, and my goal is to get them paid off in full as soon as humanly possible. It'll be one less monthly stress, or rather, two.

The washer is working once again, so there's that, although I may have destroyed my vacuum to fix it (the only thing with enough suction to clear out the drain hose). That will make me very unhappy, if so, because not only was it a very costly vacuum, but it was a very good one that made my life a hell of a lot easier when it comes to keeping the dog hair and dust in this drought-riddled place in check. Now the fridge is leaking, and I have to figure that out. My subluxed shoulder is better, but not right. At least I can use that hand for some things now, but the rest is going to take a while. The pain is also better, but that was actually a very low bar, and it's nowhere near gone yet, so I'm still having to be careful. And I've got too damn much to do, agonizing pain or no. That's because the regular seasonal stresses are already ramping up in a big way now; there's all the usual January stuff to worry about. This and June (or July, depending on how the bills fall in a given year) are always our worst two months in terms of expenses, and I don't know how this one's going to shake out yet. I've also got so much to do in terms of ordinary day-to-day work, but of course, I need to try to sell it, too, and already, our Web site hits for this month are down by well over 50% even for this time of year, which makes me worry that this year is going to be another bad one, sales-wise. 

Because we will still (always) need to make sales, and there are plenty of gift-giving events coming up in this new year. But if you're looking for places to donate to folks who need it, watch this space and my other online spaces, because I'll be highlighting them in the weeks to come. Much of the country has just been through a deadly storm, and there's an even more deadly pandemic still raging, utterly unchecked; lots of folks in our various communities are going to need long-term help.

All of our links are here; emphasis on sales and testimonials for now (and subscriptions, if you're looking for that; I'll have more on that to come in the next few weeks, hopefully with some changes):

There's lots of fabulous work on the site (and there will be more to come for Valentine's Day), so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2023; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.     

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