Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Finally, those three new works by Wings.

Photo copyright Aji, 2023; all rights reserved.

I know, I know; I've been promising these for days.  Finally, those three new works by Wings.

As I said earlier, it's a cuff, a pendant, and a pair of earrings; the cuff's been done for a few days, the pendant a day or two less than that, but I just couldn't get enough functional time to get them shot, downloaded, uploaded, edited, described, and then posted here. Which is fine, because Wings finally got the earrings done today, so all three can go up at once.

First up is the cuff, above, and it's a fabulous example of old-style freehand work.  It's called Heliocentric (yes, for that reason), and it consists of four separate overlays, a stamped inner band, and incredible freehand texture work on the surface involving hundreds of strikes of the jeweler's hammer. You can read its full description here.

The second piece is a pendant wrought vintage-style, and it's adorable.

Photo copyright Aji, 2023; all rights reserved.

"Vintage-style" means that it's created to look like really old, old-school silverwork, and in fact, it's created with old-school. methods, too. This one is called The Nearest Star, and it's hand-made out of sterling silver ingot, melted, poured, hammered, rolled, and stamped all freehand. That means the organic shape is intentional, and the irregular edges and the break in the silver on the left side are left that way very deliberately. Simple stampwork, with the star freehanded out of plain chisel-end lines, and a slider-style bail; ships with an 18" sterling silver snake chain. You can read its full description here.

And finally, the earrings.

Photo copyright Aji, 2023; all rights reserved.

These have been in the works seemingly forever, when he created the other two pairs in this shape and style. This last pair got set aside, and the press of other works intervened. It was worth the wait, though. These beauties are called Firebird Sky, and I am positively envious.  A good 2" long, hand-rolled in that feathery pattern, and set with those incredible red tiger's eye cabs, larger than the other stones in this style that we have in inventory. They GLOW. Two things: First, because of their size, they're very slightly on the heavy side, so while they don't bother me, if that's an issue for you, just be aware there's a little extra weight (BIG stones); and second, the bezels are very low-profile, the better to show off the doming ad the chatoyant banding in the cabs, so Wings secured them with jeweler's glue. It shouldn't be an issue, but for folks accustomed to higher bezels, this is why these are so low — they really, really show the fire of the stones. You can read their full description here.

As always, Wings's main page is here. Inquiries via the site's Contact formWe will still need to make consistent sales as we enter this fourth year of pandemic and loss, and there are many opportunities and occasions for gifts to come, so shares of the site links are much appreciated.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2023; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.     

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