Friday, February 24, 2023

Just miserable.

Photo copyright Aji, 2023; all rights reserved.

That's what it looked like this morning: almost no snow left on the ground, lots of clouds and a little anemic sun, lots of cold wind. Just miserable.

But it's been a miserable week. Today is maybe the worst: I woke up in the early hours of the morning with a migraine AND a badly subluxed right knee, plus two fingers that wont' unbend, and none of that has changed. Getting up at seven did me exactly zero good, because I still didn't get a chance to sit down to my work until one (and it kept getting interrupted thereafter). It's now taking me three times as long to compose a post on the NDN Silver site, because last night, something broke spontaneously on our end, and by that I mean that I had files open and hadn't touched a thing on it for two hours, and in that two-hour period, someone presumably did something to the server that fucked everything up. Today's post is up, but there will be visual changes, and since we don't yet know the source of the problem, I have no idea when (if?) things will be fixed, so this is where we are for now.

Also, we had to take time out to bury Cobie [the chicken] this morning. She was fine yesterday; I think Wings saw her around noon or one and she was alert and cheeping at him. When I went in to take care of them all and check on her about 3:45 PM yesterday, she was gone. Based on rigor and body temp and so forth, it looks as though she went to sleep maybe about two o'clock . . . and just never woke up. So whatever happened to her a couple of weeks ago clearly did some internal damage, although fortunately she wasn't in any pain from that. [If I had to guess, I would blame Stormy, since she already has a record, but she wasn't acting guilty and Cobalt was sitting comfortably out in the open when I found her, so it's just possible that a stray coyote wandered through when the dogs were preoccupied out in one of the fields, and that she managed to get free of it.] Anyway, it was too late yesterday (too cold, and ground too hard to dig), so we laid her to rest this morning. And that is the mood that is infusing my day, so needless to say, it's not a happy one.

But I do still have to make another couple of sales. I'm now behind three weeks two weeks on sales, because as always, I still need to bring in one sale a week for us to break even, and I haven't managed that since three weeks ago. I did get Wings's new ring posted the other day, but more importantly, I got that incredible new collar-style necklace up, here, and you need to see it, all of it, all of the photos of all five pendants and the beads. It's extraordinary, and it's looking for its home. I also got the new cuff, pendant, and earrings posted two nights ago, here; the pendant is sold, but the other two remain available for immediate purchase (and they're both ::wow::). All of our links are here; emphasis on sales and testimonials for now:

  • Sales here
  • Testimonials here
  • Amazon wishlist here (priority right now is the second ladder, if they ever get in back in stock, for when that kind of scaffolding work starts up again in spring);
  • Patreon here;
  • Ko-fi here.

There's lots of fabulous work on the site, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2023; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.        

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