Thursday, April 20, 2023

Orwell is positively spinning in his grave.

Photo copyright Aji, 2023; all rights reserved.

See these three parallel gray horizontal bands above the horizon? That's not dust; it's smoke. That's what we have this morning, after a hazy, smoky day and night yesterday. And still, no acknowledgment by any official source of the fire that's causing it.

It's impossible to have faith in institutions these days.

Hell, for proof of that, you only need to look at how every major media outfit has turned into Elon's personal lickspittle, pretending that the complete and utter failure of his giant metal dick, I mean rocket launch this morning was a success. It caught fire in the atmosphere, crashed, and burned. It did untold destruction in the process, having been launched from a site that failed to have even the basic safety stuff in place. It was a disaster by every measure, and the headlines all read "success."

Orwell is positively spinning in his grave.

Meanwhile, the evil emerald-genocide colonizer, the undocumented one, the billionaire who pays no taxes while he commits his crimes, has gotten millions upon millions billions. it's FIVE BILLION of our tax dollars to pursue this nonsense. On stolen land. While we Native folks are being bankrupted by taxes instead.

I'm so disgusted.

Meanwhile, I need to get caught up on all sorts of things now. I also need to chase sales, and speaking of that, I posted Wings's three newest works the other night, here. The smallest pair of earrings is already sold, but the other two items remain available, and they're both at lower price points than most of his work in their categories.

In the meantime, all of our links are here; BIG emphasis on sales for now, for obvious reasons. Basically, we need to bring in roughly one sale a week to cover everything anyway; if I can bring in just a couple more sales before month's end ($700-$1,000 worth), we'll be good where we are at the moment. Here are all the links:

  • Sales here
  • Testimonials here
  • Amazon wishlist here (new priority, because this week I've been forced to eliminate another staple from my diet just to function rather minimally, and someone mentioned that perhaps our old non-stick pans, which are in fact long since well beyond their useful date, are making the matter worse, so there's a non-PFAS replacement set at the top that would help with cooking/cleanup/my hands/my illness; and yes, the Zero-Odor sprays are still useful right now, although these days it's dusty dogs, not wet ones); 
  • Patreon here;
  • Ko-fi here.

There's lots of fabulous work on the site, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2023; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.          

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