Friday, May 5, 2023

A few first leaves.

Photo copyright Aji, 2023; all rights reserved.

Bad day. Vicious winds are complicating everything, as though not having use of my dominant hand weren't complicated enough. The partial dislocation of my right thumb has, as is inevitable if it doesn't pop back into place immediately, spread to all five fingers, the bones across the back of my hand, my wrist, and up my arm to elbow and shoulder. Add to that a relapse of the stress fracture in my left foot (also due entirely to dislocating joints) and a blinding headache from winds and lack of any real sleep due to pain, and I'm absolutely miserable. It's also taking me three or four times as long to do anything.

Speaking of taking a long time to do anything, at long last, we have a few first leaves. It's not much, but the again, the drought killed off most of the branches, so we have to be grateful for whatever we can get.

I'm so tired, and I have so much to get done, and it's impossible when I can't even use my hand to type, never mind basic things like dress myself. We also have a lot to get done on the business front, beginning with bringing in enough sales to let us prepay all of next year's quarterly taxes. We have new work: two new pieces, a cuff and a pendant, posted here the other day, and another new cuff that I posted the following day. All three are incredible, and all need to find their homes. Everything's listed below, so please share:

  • Sales here
  • Testimonials here
  • Amazon wishlist here (new priority, because I've been forced to eliminate another staple from my diet just to function rather minimally, and someone mentioned that perhaps our old non-stick pans, which are in fact long since well beyond their useful date, are making the matter worse, so there's a non-PFAS replacement set at the top that would help with cooking/cleanup/my hands/my illness; and yes, the Zero-Odor sprays are still useful right now, although these days it's dusty dogs, not wet ones); 
  • Patreon here;
  • Ko-fi here.

There's lots of fabulous work on the site, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2023; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.          

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