Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Much more pleasant, too.

Photo copyright Aji, 2023; all rights reserved.

Another absolutely beautiful early summer day — because it is summer, regardless of what the calendar says. And it's a relief, because spring this year was exceptionally bad, and I want to be moving on to warm weather at long freaking last.

I'm also glad that stupid holiday weekend is done. That was exceptionally bad this year, too, for the area if not for us personally. Then again, we make a point of staying home at such times anyway. Much safer. Much more pleasant, too.

Speaking of which, the rains are supposed to return tomorrow, which is also good. It means, though, that our schedules will get a lot tighter, because we'll have to dodge intermittent storms to get things planted. It's good that Wings was able to get most of the mowing done this weekend, to keep the mosquitoes down, but there's still all the tilling to be done, and the invasive thistles still have to be dug out. Thanks to colonizers bringing them and the tumbleweeds (and the Russian olives that they still refuse to remove), our land is an invaded, colonized, harmful, wounded mess, and those species have to be eradicated, because they literally destroy indigenous plant species, and the very land itself.

So the rest of this week and next will be extra busy, despite my own ability to walk properly these days. I might have the two new pairs of earrings posted tonight, depending on my own work pace (and the commission with a specific deadline is nearly done). And I did find my gardening bench yesterday, which is good, because as I said then, I don't think I'm ever going to be able to kneel in the earth again. No, I mean that literally. We had to have the big wheelchair discussion the other night, and he's told me to start researching and pricing them, because if this is what a couple of days of errands involving me being on my feet in lines will do to me, I can't afford to do it anymore. It will, by definition, have to be a power chair, though, because my hands are too bad to wheel myself that way. And it's surreal to me that I'm even considering this, but this is my life now, and this level of damage and the pain that ensues? I cannot be out of commission like this, and I cannot take that kind of pain.

I have lost so much to this damned disease.

And the pressures don't ease off at all, of course. I will still have the truck repairs to pay for if the damned converter ever comes in, and now we need a part for the fridge that no one will ship. So I need to be chasing sales on every front. In the meantime, all the links are listed below, so please share:

  • Sales here
  • Testimonials here
  • Amazon wishlist here (new priority a replacement for Wings's computer on it and a charging station; and yes, the Zero-Odor sprays, because these days we're back to wet dogs again); 
  • Patreon here;
  • Ko-fi here.

There's lots of fabulous work on the site, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2023; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.          

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