Saturday, May 27, 2023

Not so much.

Photo copyright Aji, 2023; all rights reserved.

Big pile of clouds to the west, but no rain for us.


That's what we thought yesterday, too, and then just before sunset, we got a heavy, soaking rain while the sun shone brilliantly, and the brightest full double rainbow we've had in years.

Which means, I suppose, that there's still hope for later.

For myself, not so much. Several days of errands, walking around on hard tile floors and waiting in long, exhausting lines at multiple places did their damage. By yesterday evening, my left knee had subluxed so badly that I was already in agony, and it only got worse from there. No sleep; none. The pain is some of the worst yet, so excruciating it had me openly sobbing. And no, there is nothing that can be done for it. I can't predict it; there's no treatment; I couldn't afford to go to the ER every time it happens, and I'd never go to this murderous place anyway. But I can barely move; just existing is extraordinarily painful, and this has happened every single week in this godforsaken month.  I now have a very bad sublux (which is a dislocation) of my left knee, a smaller one of my right knee, a small sublux of my right metatarsal, a very bad one compounded by the resultant stress fracture in my left metatarsal, subluxes of left upper arm and both wrists . . . and I am completely out of patience for the abusive structures this country shamelessly refers to as "healthcare." Not one of these policymakers would last a day in my mocs, with this kind of pain, but I can't get any kind of proper treatment because they're abusive, harmful, puritanical assholes.

And I will still have the truck repairs to pay for if the damned converter ever comes in, and now we need a part for the fridge that no one will ship. So I need to be chasing sales on every front. As always, expect everything to be late; I am truly not functional with this kind of pain, and yet I have to get everything done anyway. In the meantime, all the links are listed below, so please share:

  • Sales here
  • Testimonials here
  • Amazon wishlist here (new priority a replacement for Wings's computer on it and a charging station; and yes, the Zero-Odor sprays, because these days we're back to wet dogs again); 
  • Patreon here;
  • Ko-fi here.

There's lots of fabulous work on the site, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2023; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.          

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