Sunday, January 7, 2024

All bundled up and hard at work.

Photo copyright Aji, 2024; all rights reserved.

All bundled up and hard at work.

Yes, that is snow in the background; it's been snowing since early this morning, shortly after dawn. Fine, tiny flakes, but steady; it doesn't seem heavy, because the accumulation is taking awhile, but it's near white-out conditions, so I'm glad we're home and safe.

He's busy outside with all the stuff I can't help with anymore. I'm in here with the fires blazing, trying to get caught up even a little. It didn't help that I lost all of yesterday morning and the first couple of hours of the afternoon dealing with the septic-system issue. We were lucky enough to get one of the guys Wings knows out to pump it, so we have running water and working plumbing, and no worries about waking up to another filthy flood in the morning. But we'll have to repeat the whole thing all over again just over a week from now. That's $200+ cash out the door at least three times a month, maybe more, until Chris can dig, and that probably won't be before April, maybe even May. And if it's a worst-case scenario, we'll need to have him dig a whole new leach field.

At tax season.

We don't have that kind of scratch.

Six days into the new calendar year, and I am so tired.

I'm already so far behind I'm completely buried by all the things I have to get done, never mind the financial hole. And there's still the little problem of needing to make at least one sale a week, although fortunately we managed that for this week courtesy of that emergency commission. Because once again, my Patreon was short ~$250, so it's back to the same damn crunch as December, and January, like April and July, is one of our worst months even in a good year, with a bunch of one-off expenses. None of which, by the way, includes the new $600-800 a month for septic service all winter and half of spring. And while the MTX [the chemo], dose now doubled, is helping with inflammation and with things like focus and brain fog, it's not doing a damn thing, yet anyway, for the progressive pain. Which, I suppose, I should expect, given the level of joint damage I'm living with now.

As I said earlier, the two new cuffs are done, and they're posted here and here (the second is gone already, a gift for someone dear to us who did us a huge favor the other day). Those who like turquoise in the greens, these will be for you. There will be more new works to come, never mind Wings saying that he was taking time of from creating new work from sheer fatigue; that resolution lasted all of two days. You might see something new in this week's #TBT post; he also has his fourth naja in the works. And also as always, all the links are listed below, and sales are the most important:

  • Sales here
  • Testimonials here
  • Amazon wishlist here (priorities now are Wings's Flex-Tape, and especially the vacuum, because mine has died a complete and ignominious death, and if I don't vacuum every single day, the dog hair takes over completely); 
  • Patreon here;
  • Ko-fi here.

There's lots of fabulous work on the site [EIGHT NEW PIECES before Christmas [one sold], plus two new ones a couple of nights before that]. After such a grim 2023, we really need to get this year started off on a better footing, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2024; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.                           

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