Tuesday, January 16, 2024

This fucking day . . . .

Photo copyright Aji, 2024; all rights reserved.

This fucking day . . . .

Yes, it's clear and beautiful. That's not the problem.

The problem is that the pharmacy is so fucked up that they were closed a good percentage of last week. They don't open on weekends. I got there early today [they don't open until 10], and there were at least 14 people ahead of me. A little less than halfway through that crowd, Indian Killer Power had a second-long brownout, and their Internet failed. I stood in line, on hard floors, in agonizing pain, for AN HOUR. Then, when their systems came back up, it didn't include processing MINE, because Schedule 1. I at least got a seat then, but another half hour wait, and then they started calling people through . . . and forgot all about me. I had to interrupt. Then I had to argue with them for another 20 minutes about why their system showed no refill and no refills available and that I'd never filled it there before [6 years, on a med I've taken for a quarter of a century] . . . only to find out the tech was looking at SOMEBODY ELSE'S prescription in the system and not mine, despite having asked my name repeatedly and having my license there on the fucking counter.

And then his 20-ish mid-manager orders me repeatedly to be patient, not letting me get a word in edgewise because "we're training today," while I am very visibly disabled and just as visibly in excruciating pain and she knows damn well I've been waiting for an hour and fifty fucking minutes very politely already because she's walked past me a dozen times at least.

I cried all the way out to the truck.

Apparently we're going to have to switch to the most expensive pharmacy in town just to be able to get our scrips. And I need to get a wheelchair, but I don't have a spare five grand lying around, and it will ahve to wait anyway until after taxes and redigging the leach field are both done.

This is not right. None of this is right. And there's never any fucking recourse, because our political "leaders" have sold us all out completely. No wonder they don't fear committing open genocides; there's nothing anyone can do about getting a goddamned prescription filled properly in this country.

Everything will be out of order, because I lost 2.5 hours of my busiest writing day to that bullshit. Now I've had to retake the photos of Wings's newest, because they didn't come out yesterday, so that's set me back further. So expect the NDN Silver post late.

And this is not the easiest day as it is. My father, were he still alive, would have been 100 years old today. [Yes, I was the late baby; they all told me openly that I was an accident. Not particularly wanted, either, if you want the brutal truth of it.] But days like this are always fraught for so very many reasons, and this one, at the century mark, seems more so than others in too many ways.

January's always hard anyway, regardless of markers and weather and endless corporate greed. Aside from taxes, it's one of our two most costly months [the other being July], when we have a disproportionate number of one- and two-off expenses [insurance; several business-related renewals like site hosting, software platforms, domain services, etc.]. Coming on the heels of such a terrible sales year, it's not good. It's even worse since, once again, my Patreon is short ~$250, and made worse still by the new $600-800 a month for septic service all winter and half of spring ($200 of it paid out last Saturday, and the next round will probably be Tuesday, given Monday's holiday]. This week, I have to pay the monstrous truck insurance bill, plus multiple platform and software renewals related to the site, and it will be well over a thousand in cash at the door before I'm done. The online payments are likely to be done tonight, and I expect tomorrow's insurance, added onto all that, will put our outlay up to around $1,300+. I've been hanging onto it for dear life, knowing it's coming, but we made no sales last week, and so I have to make up for that with two this week.

Because the need to make at least one sale a week never lets up, no more than the physical pain that makes everything so much more impossible. We were blessed with one the first week of the year, but now I need to do the same for this one, as well as make up for the lack of one last week. He has a new necklace in the works, his fourth [recent] naja, done save for the bead strand, which now only needs to have the findings added. I'm expecting that it'll be done today so that I can feature it tomorrow. A fifth is in the works. And also as always, all the links are listed below, and sales are the most important:

  • Sales here
  • Testimonials here
  • Amazon wishlist here (priorities now are the liquid soaps and especially the vacuum, because mine has died a complete and ignominious death, and if I don't vacuum every single day, the dog hair takes over completely [and the dustbuster is just not cutting it]); 
  • Patreon here;
  • Ko-fi here.

There's lots of fabulous work on the site about a dozen all told over the last three weeks or so, cuffs and earrings and pins, plus the necklaces to come. After such a grim 2023, we really need to get this year started off on a better footing, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2024; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.                             

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