Friday, March 8, 2024


Photo copyright Aji, 2024; all rights reserved.

Heavy stormclouds everywhere. Snow? Notsomuch.

Oh, we've had a few flurries. Fits and starts. Nothing consistent; nothing that will stick. Lots of harsh winds and bitter cold, though.

Very little sleep, either. I fell asleep fast enough, but the pain, ratcheted up to 100 thanks to all of yesterday's nonsense, woke me up and then kept me awake most of the night. knees, hips, feet; hands, wrists, elbows; neck, head. Everywhere. It's constant, and I deal with it as I can while I'm awake, but too often, it makes sleep impossible, and the lack of any kind of rest only makes the pain worse. My right knee is completely wrecked today, which is what always happens after 've had to run errands, stand in line, etc. Yesterday was both.

Still waiting on the estimate for digging the new leachfield. It's going to be horrifying [5 figures], and we don't have it. Taxes have to come first, and then this nonsense, and only then can I replace my dying laptop, and only then can I even begin to think about a wheelchair for those errands and other stuff. I really could've used it yesterday.

But this is a level expense far beyond what we could ever possibly afford. I do not know how I navigate this. Sales are the only thing [well, and Patreon subscriptions, but those are down over $700 a month from a year ago, so sales are more likely at this point]. But to do it, I need help

So, AN ANNOUNCEMENT: We are doing the one thing Wings NEVER does [well, once ever in all the time I've known him, anyway]. From 12:00  AM MST tomorrow, Saturday, March 9th, to 12:00 AM Monday, March 11th, MDT [48 hours ONLY], we are having a sale on his work:  25% off everything in current inventory.  First come, first served; no holds. If more than one person wants an item, I'll go by the timestamp on the e-mail/DM, but no holds, so don't bother e-mailing until midnight MST. No discount on shipping/handling/insurance; does not apply to commissioned items; CURRENT INVENTORY ONLY, and only on his own work. But it applies to every item by him, so if you've been looking at something expensive, like that concha belt? That's $1,875 off it, and you'll never see this chance again, I promise you. So if you've been pining over any of his work? This weekend would be the time to buy.

As I said, Wings has a great deal of new work on the site: the newest three listed above, plus other necklaces, Warrior Woman pins, Pueblo pins, lots of new earrings. There are two new pairs of absolutely ethereal earrings from last week, and an extraordinary new necklace in the form of a spirit messenger. Go look; there's phenomenal work on there, new and less so. An as always, all the regular links are listed below, with sales, as always, being the most important:

  • Sales here
  • Testimonials here
  • Amazon wishlist here (thank you beyond words to the folks who took things off our wishlist last night; we'll always need the liquid soaps and the descalers that I can't get here, the dog treats for the monsters, and Amazon and Lowe's cards [the Lowe's cards are probably going to have to go on a new fridge, so I'm hoarding them] and the newest thing at the top, a harness that will let me haul my camera around [which I have to do for our work] without further damaging my neck, now that the pain has become intolerable); 
  • Patreon here;
  • Ko-fi here.

After such a grim 2023, we really need to get this year moving onto a better footing, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2024; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.                 

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